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  • partyBoy
    Oct 1, 09:23 PM
    Let's kick this month off right with some excellent October desktops.

    You should put the year on the thread title,just saying...

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  • Celebrity cristiano ronaldo

  • gost8go
    Jan 13, 05:26 PM
    Sometimes after disconnecting my firewire drive (where I save all my torrents) and restarting bittorrent it appears to that the torrents continue anyway but saving to volumes/firewire2 or volumes/firewire3.

    I would like to get rid of these invisible volumes.

    cristiano ronaldo new hairstyle. Cristiano Ronaldo is not the
  • Cristiano Ronaldo is not the

  • foidulus
    Nov 12, 04:38 PM
    I think Apple will deliver a solid update to Final Cut Pro. I think this lag was caused a bit by the transition to 64-bit and the fact that Apple didn't manage to get Quicktime X completed in time. I think the next version of FCP will be 64-bit and will come with a new version of Quicktime X which will finally put Quicktime 7 to rest.

    I would be surprised if we saw a 64 bit fcp before Lion. Apples qtkit API, which is thie only QuickTime API that you can compile in 64 bit, is really, REALLY primitive. Its going to require massive updating befor you would even think of running something like fcp with it. You cannot do anything more advanced than splice two videos together with it now. Hell even enumerating all th e codecs you can export to requires going down to 32 bits, and even the stuff that does compile in 64 bit requires a separate 32 bit process to actually do the work. T e sad thing is that apple has had plenty of time to update this API but they have essentially done nothing with it, which shows you how much they care about the pro users nowadays :mad:

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  • C+ronaldo+hairstyle+2011

  • Mord
    Apr 18, 06:19 AM
    One really talented engineer can't support two elderly people who demand a high quality of life, and do you realize what massive immigration to Europe is going to do? It will break their culture.

    Break it!? More like make it.

    I love life in the melting pot, it's the one thing I really miss about living in London, there's just a degree of culture clash that you don't get outside of the capital.

    It won't be too long until the baby boomers start dying off, I don't think this "elderly issue" is all that much of one, for the most part they can take care of themselves, population may be slowing down but it's not crashing.


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  • ronaldo cristiano haircut.

  • zen.state
    Apr 4, 11:19 AM
    The only drives that really go above 15 watts are the 10,000+ rpm like the raptor but even then it's maybe 22 watts. The WD black I boot from is about 14 watts but the green from WD or any low powered drive can be as low as 8-9 watts. The average would be about 12.

    cristiano ronaldo new hairstyle. Cristiano Ronaldo New
  • Cristiano Ronaldo New

  • Hawkeye411
    Mar 27, 07:07 PM
    I asked him for his address so I can drop by his house to have a look at the iPhone. Lets see if he gets back to me!! .. LOL ....

    Come on ... lets start the bidding war!!!! :D


    cristiano ronaldo new hairstyle. Cristiano Ronaldo New Haircuts
  • Cristiano Ronaldo New Haircuts

  • Ringo-Chan
    Apr 23, 12:27 AM
    I was wondering is is possible to get new voices installed besides the ones you already have on your computer? If so please tell me and where to get them and also is it possible to use a "Vocaloid" (a Synthesizer from yamaha)

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  • cristiano Ronaldo Short hair.

  • LaMerVipere
    Dec 9, 04:59 PM
    I just got a new MacBook Pro this week, and it's sub zero here in Chicago, and I'm posting this from under a blanket in my drafty vintage apartment, so I opted for something a bit warm feeling.


    cristiano ronaldo new hairstyle. Cristiano+Ronaldo in Cristiano
  • Cristiano+Ronaldo in Cristiano

  • techfreak85
    Apr 22, 08:16 PM
    Come on guys! We gotta get crankin' out WUs again! We seem to have lost a lot of that steam that we had a month or two ago. Losing bigadv for OS X has been an issue, hopefully we will get a new client soon!
    I am disappointed that my output has dropped, especially over the last few days...I reformatted my computer, but I should be back up now. In a few weeks, after I am done with this Final Cut project, I might boot into Windows and crank out some bigadvs + GPU to give us a boost.

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  • Reed Rothchild
    Mar 25, 02:19 PM
    Easiest solution would be for Google to port their current maps and navigation software to iOS. Not that Apple would allow it, and not that Google would want to do it :). I love competition...


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  • New Look Cristiano Ronaldo

  • marshallbedsaul
    Mar 27, 03:33 PM
    Not sure if this has been asked or mentioned, so how would a region section be.
    capital area

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  • kirk26
    Apr 25, 10:23 AM
    LOL! These white iphone threads are hilarious. Only mindless Apple drones would spend so much time debating the "color" of a product. :D

    Yea, sure. If they had a different Hemroid based colored phone you'd be all over it.


    cristiano ronaldo new hairstyle. Cristiano Ronaldo New Haircut
  • Cristiano Ronaldo New Haircut

  • klaze
    Apr 21, 08:39 PM
    Hi, I just purchased the 13 Air few days ago. I noticed when choosing which drive to choose at beginning (OSX or Win7), under the 2 drives is a list of available Wifi's.

    What's the point of that?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Don Kosak
    Apr 30, 10:27 PM
    Wow, the plot thickens.

    I'm really curious if this will be just another "facelift" with a few bells and whistles like the .Mac -> MobileMe update.

    I like the MobileMe website (even though I can't view it on my iPad...) but not much else has changed on the service since the .Mac days. Oh, there was the Calendar update which made my old iPhone no longer see my Calendar...

    I have a Family Plan with 3 people on as well as extra disk space on MobileMe. I wonder if there will be similar structures to "Castle/iCloud"?

    And "Rate up" on all the Miyazaki / Laputa references.


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  • ronaldo cristiano wallpaper.

  • gameface
    May 2, 05:06 PM
    I have an old iBook G4 and it tells me that no battery is installed even when there is a working battery in place, anyone have any clue to what is up?

    Your battery is probably F-ed. Honestly, I can't believe it has lasted this long.

    cristiano ronaldo new hairstyle. Cristiano Ronaldo New
  • Cristiano Ronaldo New

  • Dalriada
    Jan 10, 03:37 AM
    A great keynote introducing a revolutionary new design and interface which for me was far more exciting than the iPhone itself. I can already see the next iPod generation taking a similair design and interface but without the phone and price tag. So kudos to Apple... they did it again.

    - Dal


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  • Kieranic
    Apr 8, 09:59 PM
    Very simple :) (

    cristiano ronaldo new hairstyle. cristiano ronaldo hairstyle.
  • cristiano ronaldo hairstyle.

  • jsf8x
    Sep 6, 01:25 PM
    Cleaned it up

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  • ronaldo cristiano. shawnce

  • diogowerner
    Oct 5, 05:58 PM
    I'd really not like to see Safari become the next IE 5. It already has its share of JavaScript bugs.

    exactly! once there is no safari for windows, there is no longer IE for mac (even if it wasn't the same for windows) and any of those for linux, looks like the web standards will be what firefox and opera "decides".

    apple should worry about improving new features for the browser like tabs, page thumbnails and etc... html, javascript and css they have to make work like every browser does (or should). and javascript and css are not working well in safari right now.

    b-rad g
    Feb 10, 11:37 AM
    I'm still on an older Family 850 plan for $50.99 and it's not showing up. Is it because you have to be on a current 700+ Family Plan? If so, I don't think it would do me any good as the 700 plan cost more than the 850 I'm on now.

    Jul 21, 12:15 PM
    How do I unstuff a .sh.bin file in Linux?

    I'm running Red Hat 8.

    May 26, 12:32 AM
    Hi all,
    I want to put my G4 400 mhz with 568mb ramto fold, will it be mad slow? Also I might put my ibook to fold at night, will heat be a problem?


    Apr 10, 11:06 PM

    May 3, 02:44 AM
    I'd like to know, as well. My choice between a 3G-capable iPad or a Wi-Fi model rests largely on how capably the location services work on the iPad. I'll be using a Wi-Fi model tethered to a phone, if this app works as well as advertised.


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