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  • kwajo.com
    Sep 6, 10:13 AM
    And you will still have people saying that isn't enough....

    it isn't, I have 4GB now and I still get tons of pageouts by the end of the work day :p

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  • fierywater
    Mar 11, 05:05 PM
    What does Safari 4.0.5 have to do with a MBP update?

    I think he was joking.

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  • Keleko
    Mar 12, 08:42 PM
    Almost forgot to post a picture for today.

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5019/5520416639_a7c3264b99_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22077805@N07/5520416639/)

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  • Parkin Pig
    Mar 9, 05:53 AM
    I really like this. All of the lines seem to point to the centre which adds a good dynamic and the slight warping in the pylon is just perfect.

    Thanks for your kind words - I had to get ankle deep in mud to take that picture, so I'm glad someone appreciated it.

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  • miketcool
    Aug 8, 01:04 AM
    That phone has been on the Quicktime site for months now, its just a pretty sony ericsson.



    Looks like the Sony Ericsson K608i, Ive been dying to get my hands on one for awhile now, but tech changes and that lust faded. I have a p900 and I am enthraled with the phone OS. Motorola can eat it here.:p

    Looks like it might say "Sony Ericsson" on it.


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  • janstett
    Sep 24, 08:58 AM
    The New York Post.....hahaha

    Only a bunch of idiotic liberals would believe anything that comes out of that rag.:D

    No, the New York Times, under the idiotic and bumbling leadership of Pinchy Sulzberger, is the leading liberal rag. The Post is the Neo-con rag of Rupert Murdoch, you know, Fox News.

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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 18, 02:41 PM
    As much as I really hate Best Buy (I will not give them a dime of my money, and it has been like this since 2001/2), I wouldn't hold this against them. They will price something they feel the market will pay. A lot of the items they sell are not ones they can make much, if any money on (laptops, computers, stuff like that. Their costs are high on those that they can't really price them higher than what they pay). So they have to make up for it in the peripherals which are dirt cheap but they can get people to pay a lot more for. Pricing isn't about only charging a little more extra than what you pay, it's about what people will pay and what will actually get you a profit enough to run the business.

    My roommate worked for CompUSA 10 years ago and their employee discount was that they paid what CompUSA paid for stuff. The discount was pretty much non existant on computers cause of that reason.

    Pretty much. It's too bad that Best Buy is one of the few places these days to go to look at computer stuff, it's still nice to go to the brick and mortar store. I'm lucky I at least have a Fry's relatively close (with gas prices though they're far enough to be costly to get to :( ).

    But yeah, I don't shop there. I will occasionally use them to go look at a product. Last time I was in there was to check out the Nintendo 3DS. I get the feeling Best Buy isn't doing so well. Half their lights were out (like how stores will put the lighting when the store is closed and it is only employees, but this was middle of the day) and it really made it feel dingy.

    I hate to tell them, but I think that's a big thing that helped killed Circuit City. When they weren't doing well they started not updating the interior of the store, and doing stuff that made it look dingy and unfun to shop at. You don't want your store to look like it's doing badly.

    (and I'm just spiteful enough that if they do go out of business, I'm hoping it is their cruddy customer service chasing customers away that bit them in the a**. It will be more disappointing if it was just not being able to compete with online places - maybe it will be a combo of both. Not being able to compete with prices and having crappy customer service that doesn't convince people it's worth the extra price).

    You bring up a good point. I also think that BB is not doing well.
    For that matter I think the day of the big electronics superstores are numbered.
    Crazy Eddie, Circuit City and a few smaller ones I know all went out of business, because all of these guys compete with Walmart, Sears etc. where the same product is available.

    Many department stores also discontinued selling TVs and low margin electronics.

    Anybody buying cables and extended warranties at BB is just uninformed.

    Sometimes manufacturers seem to change the model number of a TV for a certain store, but the average consumer goes by price and size.

    Don't think keeping the lights on will help BB:-)

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  • CalBoy
    Mar 29, 10:49 AM
    Thunderbolt anyone?

    AFAIK, thunderbolt does work on the devices it exists on. The problem of course is that not very many devices make use of it yet. It also goes without saying that Apple would be eager to deploy a technology it had a heavy hand in developing, much like HTML 5.

    Conversely, wireless networks that are a mishmash of different standards can be tough for a single phone to deal with effectively. When the iPhone 3g came out for the first time, dropped calls were notorious because many parts of the country didn't have thorough enough 3g to maintain a constant connection, resulting in the phone dropping the call and reverting to 2g. I think Apple will want to avoid such technical problems again, especially since LTE is so sparse still and 3g has finally become a stable standard. Plus, engineering an LTE phone before the market is ready to use it would be unnecessarily expensive and would subtract from the bottom line.

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  • MacinDoc
    Sep 22, 10:13 PM
    Now edit for speeling.
    If you're correcting someone's spelling, it looks better if you spell the word "spelling" correctly. ;)
    Back on topic, this would be short-sighted of Wal-Mart. Ten years from now, movies and music on physical media will largely be things of the past, much like cassette tapes are today. The change won't come right away, but it will come. If Wal-Mart wants to beat Apple at this game, it will have to introduce its own movie download service.

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  • rockosmodurnlif
    Mar 28, 10:29 PM
    There seems to be an aftermarket (http://shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=wwdc+2011&_sacat=0&_odkw=wwdc&_osacat=0&_trksid=p3286.c0.m270.l1313)

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  • thisisahughes
    Apr 17, 05:37 AM
    I'm fine with Best Buy... but Radio Shack & Toys "R" Us, not so much.

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  • SimonTheSoundMa
    Nov 2, 05:33 PM
    Apple needs to allow for alternative browsers also.

    Fennec and Opera Mobile are miles ahead.

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  • jessica.
    Mar 21, 02:04 PM
    I am sure some people are going to be pissed at this, but OWNED.

    Owned? Aside from some random dislike of the "term", I have to ask where was anyone owned? If you're saying the wife was owned, she wasn't. Wife said no, probably due to the issue of money and not the device itself.

    I worry about youth today.

    It is a very cute story and shows companies still have a sense of humor sometimes.

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  • YS2003
    Oct 26, 07:26 PM
    Well my MB was bought the day they were announced - my local Apple store didn't have them on display yet :) and mine hasn't had the shutdown issue.

    I thought this pic Engadget posted is pretty funny:
    This is a classic. Also, he clicked that option on.

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 14, 11:13 AM
    The security-through-obscurity myth of OS X has long been debunked. Do you know what the most used computer OS in the world is? Linux. And there are very, very few viruses for linux.

    The rampant virus ecosystem is a flaw in Windows, not an inherent fact of all operating systems.

    Macs have a decent market share and a very large mindshare, but yet are still virus free (though there have been a couple trojans that fizzled out).

    Thank you. I do get tired of the old lie that Macs are only secure because they've not been targeted yet.

    The better analogy is Windows is a house made of flimsy material. They keep putting new locks on the doors, but crooks keep finding ways to push through the flimsy walls. Meanwhile Macs are in a nice neighborhood that's not as populated all right, but they have a great security system. Whenever anyone tries to invade, the owner is immediately notified. Dopey owners occasionally give permission to the invaders who pretend to be their Uncle Bob, but most owners get suspicious of invaders no matter who they claim to be.

    No matter how popular Macs will get, they will NEVER have the security issue that Windows has. It's all a matter of the underlying architecture.

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  • Warbrain
    Nov 6, 11:29 PM
    Where is my 2 lb Apple laptop? Sony has one. Panasonic has one.

    Apple will never make a laptop that is that size because it would mean that they would have to take out the optical drive and make the computer ultimately worthless without a docking station. Apple will never make a computer that isn't fully capable from the start.

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  • jimN
    Nov 8, 07:41 AM
    Looks like nothing has changed but the processor. Gentlemen, commence your bitching.

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  • penningtonj
    Oct 26, 02:15 PM
    Are you satisfied with your Beats by Dre ?

    I wasn't the original poster, but I've got a pair of these too and love them. The sound is phenomenal, however I have a big head (apparently) and they are a little tight.

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  • Secruoser
    Mar 30, 01:18 AM
    Hopefully when the day arrives that Jobs moves on, integrity, ethics and truth will be allowed back into the organization.

    Integrity, ethics and truth will never happen in a competitive social system that is based on money and profit unless the company wants to go bankrupt. That's what PR is for: telling lies in the most acceptable way to the public. Still lies.

    Mar 28, 10:43 PM
    There are far greater costs/concessions in utilizing those larger venues.

    Moscone Center is the best and largest facility in the SF Bay Area for Apple's needs. It's not like Apple is going to rent out the Oakland Coliseum and spread out a thousand chairs and tables on the football field.

    Going out of town increases the costs enormously: moving equipment and people. Airline flights, per diem meals, hotel rooms, taxis, rental cars, etc. Forgot a couple of boxes of marketing collateral? Moscone Center: have someone drive it up 280. Elsewhere: buy full-fare airline ticket for employee.

    What does it cost Apple to send an engineer to Moscone Center? Employee gets to expense lunch, write off transportation (heck, half of these engineers probably live in SF - they can just take BART or Muni to the event). Let's say $30 a day.

    What does it cost to send an engineer to the L.A. Convention Center or Vegas? Long-term parking at airport, airline flight, $200 hotel, arbitrary $75 per diem meals, rental car/taxi, etc. Could easily end up at $400 per day per person.

    Ok, but they are only utilizing Moscone West. Why not rent West and North, South or all three. That would allow them to expand without moving.

    Full of Win
    Apr 17, 01:21 AM
    Toys R' Us? I though they only sold video games and...toys!?

    What is your point?

    Sep 6, 08:58 AM
    Does anyone know how the 7300GT compares to the X1600? I am leaning towards the 20" to replace my 17" rev. A iMacG5, but would upgrade to the 24" is the GPU is a big bump.

    Well, it seems to be comparable with the X1800 GT, and that card is alot faster than the X1600.

    Aug 24, 06:01 PM
    My battery serial number was in the 3K437 range, but the website accepted my computers serial number, but not the battery...

    So i changed the last letter of my battery serial number from an A to a C (B diden't work)

    And it went thru.....

    :D sweet

    So does this mean that your battery is not part of the exchange program? Or is it part of the exchange program because you changed your serial number?

    Friends, I am not too sure right now, but I think I have just discovered a smart person or a dishonest person?

    Oct 16, 07:50 AM
    Nice quote on Engadget's website: "iWhore, therefore iPod."

    I voted Negative because we all know Steve is furious that Microsoft is releasing a wireless MP3 player before Apple. The iP$d needs some serious revamping.

    What exactly is 'wireless' about this MP3 player? Sharing songs three times doesn't count in my book. There's no wireless syncing, nor wireless connection to my stereo. What's the big deal again?


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