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  • lifeinhd
    Feb 24, 06:57 PM
    how do you drive a monitor like that? I tought that both HDMI and DVI has respectivetly 1920*1080 and 1920*1200 as max res. ! am I wrong?

    a) I have an older-school MBP (though not the one in my sig, that never actually existed), the DVI port of which is capable of driving up to 2560x1600.

    b) My monitor is 1920x1200. I really wanted 16:10, aaand... this is what was available :p My next monitor, once I get some $$$, will be a used 30" Cinema Display, but that's a couple years out.

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  • DeSnousa
    Apr 17, 03:18 AM
    hey go ahead and start one if you want. i know what you mean though. i never thought i'd get to 1 million points when i first started. now i'm almost at 7 million!

    Hehehe no it's fine, I will post it in this thread however ;)

    Just realised that 1 million is very possible for me.

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  • Cosmo M3
    Nov 27, 07:40 AM
    It was my annual Black Friday "Buy a ton of video games" day today. Most of them on sale quite a lot, so it worked out nicely. I got 6 really awesome games for just over $100....

    Fallout: New Vegas - $35
    Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit - $30
    Need For Speed: Shift - $10
    Plants vs Zombies - $15
    Pac Man: CE-DX - $10
    'Splosion Man - $2 :eek:

    SHIFT was a terrible game.

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  • Bye Bye Baby
    Dec 28, 10:38 AM
    It's true then; Apple are releasing a toilet with an iPod dock! SWEET!!!! :eek:

    Yep! It's called idunny!!!:D

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  • copykris
    Nov 23, 06:52 PM
    Small Pelican case for my Oakley Glasses, (as seen on the last page of the XIV Purchases Thread)

    Have room for another pair too, Maybe I'll find another pair that I like in the future.



    that seems awful clunky as a container for a pair of sunglasses...

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  • gnasher729
    Apr 3, 12:20 PM
    Great ad. When they can't compete on specs Apple should try to use fuzzy math (sorry, logic) to convince people that there is more to their products. That's the only way for Apple to keep the profit margin.

    You may not have noticed that, but what you call "specs" are not the specs that are important to Apple, and not the specs that are important to people. I've heard the term "measurbators" used in photography for people who are interested in the specs of cameras, instead of being interested in making photos. Apple doesn't build the iPad for people who look for specs, but for people who want to do stuff with a tablet and enjoy it.

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  • jholzner
    Aug 29, 09:27 AM
    Yonah doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Merom is pin-compatible and costs exactly the same amount. Besides, it would be a PR boost for Apple to have the entire lineup 64-bit and "Leopard ready". The Mac Mini is going to use the 5000 series Meroms and the iMac is going to use the 7000s.

    Merom doesn't cost the same as Yonah! Merom costs the same now as Yonah did WHEN IT WAS RELEASED. Since then the cost has gone down and is supposed to dip lower in the coming weeks. Apple could use Yonah in the Mini and lower the price to where it used to stand.

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  • MBX
    Jan 12, 11:22 AM
    I figured out the secret air message!

    What falls out of the air? ... Apple (s)


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  • Music_Producer
    Sep 7, 12:54 AM
    I hope hope hope that iTMovieStore becomes a super success.... and I hope that Steve will force them into a $9.99-Only model and not that stupid $14.99 hierachy..... they'll have to "submit" after it becomes super successful. haha.

    now seriously, movies here in new york are a blasted $10.50-10.75!!! ridiculous. I remember like "2 weeks ago" when movies were at most 8.75, but then when Star Wars Episode 1 came out and then Episode II, AMC 25 in manhattan suddenly bumped their prices up.....each time. "Oh, cause Star Wars, we must raise prices".

    And, they've kept it ever since. Movies are making huge returns, and yet we have to pay a boat-load of money.. Soon it'll be $15. And you know what, Hollywood is going to pay and so will the theater chains. I hope the online model takes over at high quality. I can see it now, I'll pay $50 for a "rental" ...i won't mind........ when i have a 54" iTunes-DRM-signed code for mass-viewing (This is the future, i think) and i'll have 10 friends over.... it'll be Theater-replacement baby!! Like boxing on PPV.... pay $50 and have 10 friends over. I'd pay.... i am talking about current releases. And, when they are 3 months old... $9.99 to buy. THank you Apple. Now, Do it!

    no more distribution costs. no more manufacturing costs. lower prices. right? Not if Hollywood has their way with ridiculous $19.99 prices... HELLO!! Hello!! that's DVD prices.... for a packaged DVD......!! HELLO!!! McFly!!

    This is why I'm getting into Hollywood myself. I plan to be part of the revolution. Sure I like money just like any other schmoe. But, there is something wrong with everythign right now. Especially since all movies are crap these days.... formulaic and tired. And they want to keep raising the prices!

    Rant over:confused:

    Dude, stop ranting. Do you even work in the movie industry? God damn price of milk is going up too.. why don't you rant about that as well? I hate it when people complain about rising prices.. sheesh.. do you know that the cost of producing a movie or a music album has gone up?

    If I don't like the price of a DVD, I don't buy it. If its a movie I really, really like.. then sure, I find the $19 price tag more than acceptable, because I know I will be watching the movie a couple of times. Nobody's asking you to buy a DVD of every single movie that comes out.

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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Mar 20, 10:55 PM
    First is advertising. Sure Apple's commericals are cute and award winning. But for once can we show some hard hitting ads that are shown more than just occasionally? Apple needs to advertise, and more than just the chic oh, that was nice. What I want to see is ads showing how much easier it is to use a mac than a pc, or how less venerable macs are to virus and hacking, then show the things for goodness sakes!!

    Second is quality control.

    Considering the recent problems with the ibook's logic board (over a years worth of laptops sold before admitting a problem?), problems with the 15in powerbook (wait almost a year for memory problems and white spots?) problems with the 12in powerbook(warping cases), and the old windtunnels, I'd say that Apple's quality control is slipping. Are they crap, no, but for the premium that we all pay they deserve to be better.

    I do not mind a 500 dollar computer dying on me, but a 1700 laptop less than a year old? Yes I most certainly do. Having to pay $300 dollars to cover it? yes i do. Knowing a guy who sent in a 15in Albook three times for the screen? yes I do. A friend who owns a 12in whose case is warping, yes i do.

    Price is not as much of an issue. Many of the people who buy 500 dollar computers would not take the time to learn about why a mac is better, they are too dollar concious(the Wal-Mart mentality, if its cheaper its better.)

    Do I think Apple is dying, no. But we have an opportunity to regain market share if apple plays hardball.Jobs has stated hes not interested in the market, Apple has money in the bank. Apple has many problems but the biggest is Jobs and his denial. he thinks we dont want games, or TV, and we like being charged double what the otherside sells hardware wise. since he has taken over Apple they have put money in the bank but they have lost every year more and more of the buying public? they are doing something wrong. yeah we have ill die holding onto my old stale G4 crowd but there are plenty who will never even hear of a G4. they thought you said P4. how small will the Mac Market have to get before Apple wakes up? 1.7% last qtr is going to sound good when they release next qtrs numbers. go ahead and quote me on this if you want.

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  • RayLancer
    Sep 24, 05:24 PM
    I'm looking at getting:


    2nd one is a wholesale, I asked the seller what it was. Apparently it doesn't come with the retail box... They're both from California which made it very attractive.

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  • jessica.
    Nov 28, 04:09 PM
    I like that concept... not owning a microwave. Encourages you to eat fresh and reheat things the proper way. :)
    Honestly, it was more or less just how it's worked out. I moved and have no microwave any longer. I could buy one but I'm looking to see how long I can hold out. So far I did miss it when I needed to reheat turkey dinner, but 20 minutes tops to preheat and heat up leftovers in a pan didn't actually feel like I wasted any time. Plus, things seem to heat up more evenly.

    When my family came they were shocked to see I had no microwave. They were a bit confused but had to figure out what to do just like I have. We'll see how quickly I fold. So far it's been 2 months.

    I have a true steamer for veggies, a stove for everything else, and now a popcorn popper for those movie nights. I have a glass stovetop so making a pot of popcorn is not only bad for my stove, but not easy.

    Yeah, but I had to return it as it was defective. The seat wasn't level- it slanted to the left. I think that once I put it together, the hardware warped the seat. Initially I exchanged it, but the same thing happened with the replacement. I returned that for a refund, and have been on the hunt for a new chair ever since. I think this one is a winner.

    Is that popcorn machine an air-popper, or do you need to use oil?
    I just bought a chair from Amazon myself. I'm actually super surprised it feels so good.
    Oh and it's an oil popper.

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  • kntgsp
    Sep 14, 11:03 AM
    Want to know an issue that actually DOES bother me about iOS devices? No? Well I'm bored so tough.

    I still want to know why I can't plug an iPhone into any computer and use it as a mass storage device for quick transfer of large files?

    Android can do this, Symbian can do this, it is not difficult. The thing comes with 32GB of space and I can't dedicate even 1GB of that to a mass storage mount? Really? It's one of the biggest business uses I have for the device. I shouldn't have to carry around a USB stick anymore. Hell with Symbian3 you can even plug a USB stick/drive DIRECTLY INTO the Symbian3 phone itself to move files.

    Screw you Steve. Seriously, screw you. That is one of the biggest reasons I will continue to jailbreak. That and a complete lack of quick access to my Wifi/Bluetooth/GPS/3G radio controls.

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  • TangoCharlie
    Aug 25, 05:47 AM
    Both are pro-features, so it will be VERY unlikely that we will see them in the Mini.
    At least another USB port would be nice. Two was pathetic, three's OK, but
    four is more realistic number nowadays!

    Personally, I'm not convinced that the mini is going to go Core 2 at all... I think we might see the "Solo" going "Duo" and the CPU speeds up'd a bit, that's all. Maybe, just maybe, the top-of-the-line Mac mini might get a Core 2 (Merom)..... :)

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  • Ted Witcher
    Mar 22, 05:38 PM
    Just put it in a YoTank case like I did. You can drive your car over it without damaging the iPod.

    More pics here (

    That's an Emmeline DAC? You're not using USB?

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 26, 07:00 PM
    A Little OT but mini TV related: Someone here made a post I can't find that said the EyeTV hybrid HDTV tuner was only relevant to less than 5% of the market. So I did a little Google and found out we are already at 20% HD penetration in USA ( So I thought I'd just let you all know the Mac mini as an HDTV + Tivo with a 24" display can be set up for about $1300. With the cheapest Dual Link DVI 15" MBP you can find would drive a 30" display for a total of about $2900 soon.

    I have a 2GHz Dual Core G5 that can support a 30" Display only paid $900 for. When Dell puts the 30" up on the 20% off block it will only cost $1900 - $380 = $1520. So we are looking at Mac TVs in the 24" - 30" size for as little as $1450 - $2500. That seems pretty amazing to me.

    $599 Mac mini Core 2 Duo + EyeTV hybrid $150 + 24" Dell $700 (20% off Sale Price) = $1450 new.

    Used any solo or dual G5 PM with a Dual Link Video Card + 30" Dell $1520 (20% off Sale Price) = $2500 or less.

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  • Father Jack
    Jan 12, 04:27 AM
    Maybe Apple's poster actually says more but we can't see the bottom?

    Something like: "There's something in the air... blow it out your ass Microsoft" :p
    Now that would be cool .. :cool:

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  • SciFrog
    Feb 9, 05:35 PM
    Was crunching for another team before. The stats from Berkley show the aggregate as do some tools like the FAH Wudget.

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  • vand0576
    Sep 1, 01:20 PM
    Dammit, I just spent $3200 on a MacBook Pro 3 months ago! Apple is going to drive me into the poor house if they don't stop making stuff I want to buy.

    Get some goddamned control man!

    Sep 14, 06:14 AM
    Belkin - Grip Vue Case for Apple� iPod� touch - Rooftop Green
    $24.99 BestBuy ( (

    Aug 31, 04:40 AM
    Are you looking for a Mac for you or your parents? :rolleyes:
    Eh... both? :D They need a simple computer... -> Mac Mini. I would love to get a Mac too, but can't be bothered with machines that can't be upgraded (ok, you CAN upgrade a Mac Mini and iMac, but not that much). And a Mac Pro would just be way to expensive. I think there are quite a few users who think the same and would like to see a downgraded Mac Pro for switchers who can then keep some of their hardware.

    Lord Blackadder
    Feb 25, 12:56 PM
    Like what you've said though, there's a compelling argument to be made that a diesel-electric hybrid (like VW's XL1 Concept), with energy recovery would probably be the best arrangement (particularly for an urban car), in this instance the diesel engine is isolated from the actually drivetrain (reducing NVH etc) and the electric motors counter the age old argument of petrol>diesel refinement.

    I do think that smaller capacity, fewer cylinder engines are the way to go, but only if the absolutely most important factor is addressed first, and that is one of weight, until then...

    Agree on all points. A diesel serial hybrid could potentially blow any current production car out of the water in terms of fuel efficiency - triple digit mileage is possible under favorable conditions, and even more "real-world" driving mileage will be a substantial improvement over current cars.

    When I look around my city and see everyone tooling around in 6.0L V8 pickups, I feel like we have a lot of convincing to do though.

    Keeping weight down is all-important. Which is why I remain in love with the Lotus Elise. It proves that less weight fixes everything - better handling, acceleration, braking, fuel economy...of course in a hybrid, the battery pack is always the vexed question. Even the best batteries are still expensive and relatively heavy.

    Nov 15, 09:56 AM
    Maybe this is why the Xserve release dates have been put back?

    Feb 27, 10:53 PM
    Finishing my graphic design degree this May. The large intuos might get replaced by a cintiq very soon.

    I'm half guessing you posted an Intel Atom sticker on the MBA to prevent would be thieves from thinking its really a MBA right?


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