arnold schwarzenegger bodybuilding tips

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  • -aggie-
    Apr 29, 03:53 PM
    Me too. Given the theme i was already picturing myself as the marquee artist of the production ;)

    anyway, the situation right now is:
    eldiablo: 4 (dontpanic, chrmjenkins, aggie, ucfgrad)
    chrmjenkins: 1 (jav)

    not voted yet: Lbro, eldiablo

    not much room to maneouvre for eldiablo, except in deciding who to infect (if he hasn't done it already).

    so tomorrow should be 4 vs 1 (or 5 vs 1 if the hunter is successful). with everyone with equal chances of being wolfized.
    it's like starting a new game, a tricky one with two shots at finding the wolf

    I wasn�t the one who held up the night, since I gave my scan request to intell early, so I�m guessing one of the hunters is either not playing or not participating enough. Anyway, I�d appreciate the hunter protecting me from whoever gets infected.

    Feel free to recommend who you want scanned.

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  • Nostromo
    Jun 6, 03:57 AM
    What if the 11 year-old had passed the bar exam?

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  • Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • leekohler
    Mar 7, 04:35 PM
    Can't say that I'm surprised by this. In fact, I am actually kind of happy it has happened.

    This should have happened. They made the right decision. Sheen needs serious help, not coddling.

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  • -aggie-
    Apr 29, 01:23 PM
    take care and get well. hopefully everything is fine.

    Hopefully their scan is much more clean. Good luck.

    Thanks. The waiting sucks.

    I�m amazed how well AppleGuy was able to pick the two WW�s.


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  • Tones2
    Apr 22, 10:50 AM
    I still haven't seen the "killer app" that makes this higher mobile speed something I can't wait another year for. I know that's not the smartest way of looking at it - the higher speeds bring the innovations we haven't imagined yet. But I'm not seeing them on the Android platform, either.

    It seems to mostly benefit tethering - but tethering benefits other devices and not the mobile handled experience.

    Fast access to these new cloud music storage services is interesting, but the data caps practically kill their usefulness.

    Then you have never streamed video onto your phone from home or Netflix or Slingbox. It's not pleasant over 3G onto the iPhone - looks and responds even worse on the iPad.

    We need 4G NOW!


    arnold schwarzenegger bodybuilding tips. arnold schwarzenegger
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  • Razeus
    Apr 11, 01:34 PM


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  • vnle
    Jan 26, 03:24 PM
    You're welcome. Might have to order another one before the 31st. :D

    I went back to newegg after getting one to do just that but, sadly, they were sold out :(

    EDIT: Rooskibar03 beat me to it:p Any idea if they'll have it back in stock before the 31st? There's 5 more days ... :o

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  • Phil A.
    Aug 15, 04:11 PM
    A lot of the features look great but the Spotlight screenshot has me worried. It looks like very little has changed with the results. The biggest failure of Spotlight for me has been the lack of the ability to sort your results by modification date. I used to use the find file to look for items on our server all the time, now it is totally useless because they show up alphabetically. I would have hoped that Apple would have gotten wise about that with Leopard. Apparently they havent listened to all the Mac users who think that Spotlight in Tiger is trash.

    You can sort by date now in spotlight (at least the main spotlight search from the menu bar) - just click "show all" at the top of your spotlight results list and you get a new window that will allow you to sort and group the results to your heart's content. As spotlight will be extended to cover data on servers in Leopard I guess that functionality will be available across network files


    arnold schwarzenegger bodybuilding tips. arnold schwarzenegger
  • arnold schwarzenegger

  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 22, 06:18 PM
    That would be a sexy phone indeed. The current design/shape is rather uninspired compared to the stuff before. Metal, rounded edges, asymmetrical: win. The teardrop angles it a little on a table. Tre nice.

    arnold schwarzenegger bodybuilding tips. Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • Apple...
    Apr 22, 04:26 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I can't see them making the iPhone look like the iPod Touch.

    Me neither. I HATE the mock-up.


    arnold schwarzenegger bodybuilding tips. arnold schwarzenegger
  • arnold schwarzenegger

  • morespce54
    Jul 26, 09:25 AM
    I want an iPod that can read my mind...I'll bet Apple could do it

    Well, mine almost do it...
    :D :D

    But seriously, I'm not sold to that idea. Most of the time, my pod is in my bag and I became pretty good at changing songs without taking it out.

    Anyway, with this idea, I guess that I would HAVE to take it out to skip songs... without touching the unit...

    arnold schwarzenegger bodybuilding tips. arnold schwarzenegger
  • arnold schwarzenegger

  • csalm87
    Apr 15, 03:09 PM
    Looks like mostly bug fixes. Only thing new I have found is the result of putting a window out of focus.

    iCal is still same design too.

    Looks like the website icons are showing up now. They didn't before, at least for me no matter what I tried. Yay.


    arnold schwarzenegger bodybuilding tips. arnold schwarzenegger
  • arnold schwarzenegger

  • ready2switch
    Oct 24, 09:28 AM
    Apparently the 160GB HDD's performance is on par with the 100GB 7200RPM and a tad faster than the 120GB??

    Reference please. :D

    arnold schwarzenegger bodybuilding tips. arnold schwarzenegger
  • arnold schwarzenegger

  • witness
    Nov 3, 01:41 PM
    too bad not everyone can get the beta
    I signed up for this the day that it was announced (quite a while back now), but no invite :( Perhaps I selected the wrong option (Developer) from the dropdown on the signup form.

    Well I guess that it will come soon enough. Though from what I've seen it seems to be closer to VMWare Player than VMWare Workstation, which would be a little disappointing. It's the workstation features that are missing from Parallels, and why I've been so eagerly awaiting the arrival of VMWare's product.


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  • MacSA
    Jul 10, 10:10 AM
    Lets hope it doesnt end up costing as much as MS Office....:eek:

    arnold schwarzenegger bodybuilding tips. Arnold Schwarzenegger was
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger was

  • TwoSocEmBoppers
    Mar 11, 01:32 PM
    Line at Brea Mall is to Macy's, probably about 150-200 people here.

    Any idea how fast these lines move? This'll be the first time I've camped out for a product.

    OMG :eek: Wow.

    I'll probably try to hit the local Walmart of BestBuy instead.


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  • www.facebook.combodybuilding

  • Peace
    Jul 25, 10:20 AM
    This is great but I do have a question..
    Since it's bluetooth and Apple says it works within 30 ft.What happens if you're in a starbucks and other people have bluetooth turned on ?
    Will they be able to "hack" your Mighty Mouse?

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  • .combodybuilding Arnold

  • ucfgrad93
    Apr 29, 02:17 PM
    I scanned eldiablojoe last night. He is a WW.

    Edit: Got out of the hospital and have been sleeping mostly since then. Now I wait for the biopsy results. Thanks for all those concerned.

    I'll follow your lead and vote for eldiablojoe as well.

    And like others have mentioned, I'm glad things went well for you and I hope you good news from your biopsy.

    Lastly, I'm kinda bummed that I haven't made the narration yet.:(

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  • Arnold+swarchenegger+conan

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 13, 07:57 PM
    baaaaaaaaaaaad joke

    Dec 1, 03:33 PM
    Once someone 'proves' that installation into your System folder, NOT your user space, can be done without an Administrative account THAT will be newsworthy. Making Safari launch a certain web page can be done with preference/.plist files. These are in the USER space. I have yet to see or hear about a compromise of Mac OS X 10.4.8 that does Administrative tampering using a non-admin account (without physical access to the machine). Now I, and many others have submitted feedback to Apple that they have to include, in initial setup of a Mac system, the requirement of setting up a non-admin account. This is security 101 and something neither MS or Apple currently requires. Once you are an Admin all bets are off. We have all seen the installers that you double click and don't require a password to install. Scary. Apple needs to REMAIN diligent on security, but they are not totally lax like some suggest.

    just my .02

    Apr 14, 08:58 PM
    Oh great. I'm going to have to tie up my Internet connection for a long period of time to update my 4G iPod touch and iPad 2 for the 4.3.2 update. :rolleyes:

    I REALLY hope that Apple does incremental updates of iOS starting with iOS 5.0 to save us from tying up the broadband connection for such a long period of time.

    Wow. If a little 700MB download ties up your internet, I think you need a new internet.

    I am REALLY amazed what people complain about at times :rolleyes:
    Chas2010 is right, get new internet then

    Apr 26, 09:32 AM
    I have the last model of 24" iMac that had an anti-glare screen. I just had to make the first repair, replaced the hard drive.

    My fear is that I will be forced to build a Hackintosh or get an iMac with one of these new cheaper screens.

    I stopped buying iMacs the day they went gloss. I now have a bunch of minis with the older Matte Cinema Displays. As simple as that � I put my money where my mouth is. If I couldn't get these, I would buy other branded displays.

    When Steve Jobs made a comment a couple of years ago about Apple's customers saying they preferred gloss (or something like that) I wrote to Apple to say that at least one customer doesn't prefer gloss and why, and there is a pretty vocal group of Apple customers who share my sentiments. At least we were given the option on the MacBook Pros. I hate having to pay extra on an already expensive machine, but that's what I've done with my new just-ordered MBP. It's one small and expensive vote for usability to prevail over eye-candy. Sigh.

    Apr 25, 05:08 PM
    I'm just taken aback because Moyank didn't immediately vote for me :D

    I'm surprised myself. :D

    I'll think I'll start with eldiablojoe and go from there.

    Apr 16, 06:58 AM
    First, OS X is very much like the last versions of NeXTSTEP was, aside from Quartz/Appkit frameworks and GUI layer. Foundation is basically what was shipping in the 90s, the kernel/BSD userland, etc...

    Apple has done a lot of work on it, and I've said so in my posts several times. I'm not diminishing their work in anyway.

    Yeah, OS X is pretty much the same. There's nothing that apple has put in it. Most of the frameworks are derived from NeXTSTEP. Happy now?

    Again, I'm simply stating that pissing over Google because they "acquired" and used "open source" is quick disingenuous in the face of Apple having done the same for both their flagship OSes.

    No one is pissing over google's work. It was a response to one of your s*****[censored] comments, here:

    By that same vein, what has Apple ever developed that's anything close to a OS ? And no, Mac OS X, a bunch of components bought/taken from the open source community doesn't count... it's just a Unix distribution with a GUI layer on top.

    You replied to a person who was talking about ChromeOS being just a giant browser which is absolutely true.

    You sound like one of those people on engadget who are always claiming that Apple has just been copying/modifying stuff and selling it as their own.

    How do you know ? You saw Android in 2005 ? You can seriously compare what Andy's company made back then to what is actually shipping now ? The evolution from Android 1.0 to 2.3/3.0 is quite astounding by itself, who knows what went on between 2005 and version 1.0 that shipped in late 2009.

    That's not what I meant. I meant that Google buys a lot of companies and makes a lot of acquisitions and sell their product as Google's. There's nothing bad in that. But there's nothing false about it as well. Developing/Not developing Android was never my point.

    Why even attempt to diminish the work ? Apple does the same acquisition, they use open source projects to quicken development. The histories are similar, the goals are similar. Why hate Google over it, and why do you think it doesn't also reflect on Apple when you do ?

    OK, which company doesn't? Apple does it too. But they are not buying other people's products and just selling them outright. You know you're dreaming when you claim that Mac OS X has very less to do with apple and much to do with every other thing they 'copied'.

    I will leave the rest of your post out and just report it to the mods instead. I suggest editing your post to remove your clear lack of respect. If you want to discuss the merits of each at the fine detail, I don't think this is the thread for it. Again, let's drop the Google hate and talk OS X instead.

    Are you the one who's talking about lack of respect? Just look at your post history. You call people fools; you tell them they don't know anything.

    Nevermind, please report. Thanks.

    Very well said, just like you insert pro-google comments in every other thread.


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