jeff dunham peanut pics

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  • chrisgeleven
    Jul 24, 03:53 PM
    Bah, these things are rubbish. The scroll wheel clogs up with dirt, just as scroll ball mice did in days gone by - except there is no user access to clean it thoroughly. Apple need to re-think the design on this one before updating it.

    And what makes you think that a fix for that is not part of this update?

    If they come out with a Bluetooth mouse, I am all over it. My wrists get very tired using my Macbook's trackpad all day.

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  • krause734
    May 3, 08:51 AM
    Does anyone have any idea if Apple is going to start the free iPod Touch again for students buying a computer this summer?

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  • !� V �!
    Apr 28, 04:28 PM
    If this white iPhone 4 does not fit the official Apple Bumper then I can see this as a problem. Otherwise its a moot point, my case is made out of rubber and it is still capable to stretch a little to fit a little more or less in size.

    Too bad for those who spent money on a "fitting" case.

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  • Megakazbek
    Apr 13, 09:59 AM
    Wouldn't it be helpful to see a Gmail-style snippet of your new emails visible when you unlock your phone? Or possibly a small calendar display so you can see at a glance that there's a meeting you're booked into later? I guess it might be difficult to integrate these things without dramatically reducing the space visible for apps but I can imagine a lot of people having a use for this kind of functionality and Apple is denying people the choice at the moment.
    I think it may be useful for the lock screen. For home screen I don't think it's much more effective than just launching separate apps to look at mail or calendar.
    Anyway, I don't think that it's bad to have widgets or customization, I just think that it's not that important. It will make iOS better, but only a tiny bit better, it won't be any huge step forward.

    I still don't quite understand why people are so averse to the idea of a visible file system
    It gives too much irrelevant information and it's too easy to make it messy.
    For example, if I run Word on PC and click open file, then it will show me the whole filesystem with thousands of browseable folders, but only few of them actually contain any Word documents. Ideally, what I should be able to see instead is list of all Word documents on my computer and all connected devices in a very organized way that makes it easy to find any document in less than a second. I shouldn't care that one part of a report is in my local folder, another part is on flash drive and some other part is written by another dude and is on a network server, but file system wants me to care of these irrelevant things. I can think of hundreds other examples where file system gets in the way of organization and productivity. Basically, it's not the best way to manage documents and media and it should be superseded by something entirely different. And IMHO for Apple moving forward is so principal that they are willing to reject archaic ways of doing some things even if it's currently the ONLY way of doing them. Apple is like - do it the best way or don't do it at all.


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  • morespce54
    Jul 26, 09:15 AM
    so would this be incorporated into the upcoming iPod, or the "next" update to the iPod?

    obviously in the next iPod (machine not sw) :(

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  • aperry
    Apr 26, 04:12 PM
    If it is as good as Ping, I'm IN!

    Hahahaha, nice one.


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  • phineas
    Oct 2, 10:21 AM
    Come on Verizon, 2010 and the iPhone, yea baby, a REAL network , with real support, and not some call center junkie who doesn't know jack about the device and the network

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  • strabes
    Mar 31, 11:49 AM
    Are there custom view options like "Next Four Weeks" in this version? That's the only thing keeping me with Google Calendar. It's March 31, why should I be looking at 30 days of events that happened already?


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  • RichTF
    Nov 11, 08:02 AM
    Hey Apple - ya think your user base might be interested in Flash??


    Yeah, you know what's best for us users though - so we should be elated that you are resisting support for it tooth and nail.
    Well, in perspective it doesn't really mean much -- Apple has sold 33 million iPhones, so that's 1% which were interested in SkyFire / Flash.

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  • Snowy_River
    Dec 1, 07:00 PM
    ...that's just because it's a "feature" of the particular video technology (e.g. in Real Media or Windows Media streams you can embed code to open a browser window)...

    And QuickTime, too. There are QT movies that will send you to a web page at the end of the film. It seems to me the trailer for Spiderman 2 did this.


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  • RollTide
    Apr 25, 09:07 PM
    LOL. love all these posts.

    Can I start a post thats about how Im anxiously awaiting the END of all these "when is the new iMac coming out" threads?

    I really really want to get onto the next set of never ending threads that will go something like this:

    "should I get the 21" X.XX Ghz i5 or the 27" X.XX Ghz i3?"

    And then everyone will get to ask "what are you going to do with it?"
    and then all of the "I love the large 27" screen" and of course "I had to return the 27" screen it was too big!" And the "more cores is better" or the silly goofball with the "I think a larger Ghz number means its faster".

    and then we can move on to all of the "Is 4 gigs of ram enough or should I get more?" threads

    Oh, and lets not forget all of the "I wish it had a larger drive/better video/more SSD options/matte screen/full sized bluetooth keyboard/USB 3/eSATA/24" option!!" posts. Those are my favorite. Wishing, LOL. You get what you get and you dont throw a fit?

    please lets move on...

    Then don't come on a forum maybe?

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  • beaner454
    Mar 31, 10:45 AM
    The answer here seems so obvious, how did Apple miss it?

    Bring over some of the nice eye candy features from the iPad, like animated calendar pages, but leave the clean professional look alone. I hate using Outlook for calendars and now iCal looks ridiculous and wastes more space than anyone could imagine...what's a man to do?


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  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 12, 08:33 PM
    Thanks, just saw it.

    Kind of surprised it's such a late thing... doesn't Apple tend to do events at 10 AM, not 10 PM? (I guess it's still only 7 PM on their coast... still, isn't it time to go home by now for their employees?)
    It's not an Apple event, it's a user group event.


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  • Mord
    Apr 24, 04:28 AM
    There's a followup here (,0,3336656.story), the girl seems to be physically ok, just a little traumatised.

    It's kind of sickening how her privacy is just thrown out of the window, the employee was fired for many many reasons, including the fact that they posted the video on youtube, linked it to their facebook and made many offensive comments before it was all taken down. Had this video not been made public the girl in question would have had some hope in retaining her privacy, but now she's scared to go outside for fear of being recognised and attacked again, possibly killed. In the United states a transgender person is murdered on average once a month, despite being a small and often invisible minority.

    It really sickens me how badly handled this story has been by many, the baltimoresun being one of the few exceptions, fox news ( being one of the worst. They should be ashamed of themselves.


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  • TrollToddington
    Apr 19, 03:27 PM
    For me and many other potential MBA purchasers, a CPU bump from the media processing abilities of the Core i processors would be welcome, and GPU performance over and above the ability to play real-time HD video is useless. We shouldn't be saddled with an out-of-date processor or forced to subsidize "unnecessary" frame rate performance just to appease game-players. And that perspective is as valid as yours.

    +1, besides, the 13" MBP + 128GB SSD provide far better value-for-money than any present 13" MBA.

    The cheaper solution, the 11", tells another story but even then anything past the base model comes so close to the price of a 13" MBP+SSD that it's impractical to get a 11" from a performance point of view, especially when it's equipped with the slow 1.4 C2D. The 1.4 i5 will provide far better performance (certainly far more than 40% of speed boost). We will still be able to watch FullHD movies despite the less capable IGP. Games. Don't tell me you want to play WoW on a 11" monitor.

    Also nobody said the processor upgrade is useless or "unwelcome". FX4568 said "We have enough to accomplish our tasks, and any more would be an overkill in the things we need our computer to process.". Overkill means the increased processor speed will not be of any use, or, in other words, useless.

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  • ibook30
    Jul 28, 07:19 AM
    "We do need a more consistent experience,",,,, introducing the Zune Blue Screen.


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  • CoMpX
    Jul 25, 12:54 AM
    It seems like a major problem with this would be the fact that you get no tactile feedback. However, I have tapping enabled on my iBook and I don't find it odd or uncomfortable at all then I "click" on something. I'm sure it would take some getting used to, but I imagine that it could work.

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  • MacVibe
    Apr 13, 07:28 PM
    Right on schedule!

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  • balamw
    Oct 23, 03:30 PM
    why the hell would I but Vista anyway?

    You know things are bad when even the fanboys are making similar arguments...

    Sticking with Windows XP in a Windows Vista World (


    Jul 24, 10:00 PM
    Although it sounds sketchy on paper, Steve will convince you that its the next big thing.

    Apr 28, 11:51 AM
    Not surprising the iPhone 3GS was #2.

    This is the real data. How are the actual phones selling... That is why when people try to convolute Android vs iOS on phones only it is silly.

    Apple is dominating the smartphone markets with their individual products. Opening up to Verizon has taken away one of Android's advantages in the US.

    All 4 iPhones are in the Top 10 of smartphones sold since the iPhone came out. In fact they are probably all in the top 6 or 7.

    Apr 2, 02:00 PM
    flickr (

    May 1, 11:44 PM
    I would just like to mention two things:

    1. Today is yom hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)
    2. Yesterday, April 30, 2011 is the anniversary of Hitler's death.

    Just want to through those two items out there

    You mean this was meant to happen?

    It's the devil's code!

    May 2, 12:48 AM
    I think we should preserve his body and burn it at the site of ground zero this 9/11! How's that for a 10 year anniversary celebration?

    If you want to go that route, milk it for all it's worth. Preserve him, decorate him as a pi�ata, and have anyone who wants take three whacks on primetime worldwide TV. Families of 9/11 victims get to be first in line.


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