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  • iFerd
    Nov 11, 10:21 PM
    I regard this as a loss if true. The Facebook application for iPhone is one of the most elegant I know of in terms of providing function in a nicely integrated package that is also nice to look at. Count me among those who thinks this is bad.

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  • xxBURT0Nxx
    May 4, 11:36 PM
    two thoughts on this

    1. hopefully they are not automatic and you have the option of downloading... could make jailbreaks a mess, but i bet if they are auto updates, someone in the jb community will release a tweak in cydia that stops it from automatically downloading the latest firmware.

    2. If this is really going to happen, apple is going to have to stop releasing the entire OS as an update... the "location bug" update today was around 1gb.... will be atrocious to download OTA... also better not go against data usage for the poor people who are on capped data plans.

    and waste data? i dont useful is this...really?

    how hard is it to update via itunes? i just think we as a society are trying to come up with "innovative" and convenient things that are rather pointless.

    others may find it useful, but why would one need to update on the go?

    Its probably not very useful to many, if any around here, but you would be surprised how many people never update their phones through the computer. A lot of people never plug the phone back into their computer once it's set up. OTA updates would help these people ensure their devices are more secure and that they are running the most up to date software.

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  • ericinboston
    Apr 12, 11:50 AM
    How about, "we want to invest in the US!"


    There should be a law that states anytime a US company chooses to manufacture something outside the US, the company must post a clearly-articulated-less-than-25-page document stating AND COMPARING why the US is unable to manufacture said product.

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  • jettredmont
    Oct 15, 03:49 PM
    We heard something really similar to that when every other company released video-playing mp3 players before Apple did, and Jobs said he didn't see anybody wanting to have portable video. Well, Apple bit its tongue and released it, calling it "innovation".

    I'm a big iPod fan (i've purchased 3) but wireless capabilities is the way of the future. I don't see ourselves in 10 years still being limited by wired headphones and such. Maybe it'll be easier than the Zune (haven't seen the demo) but the idea of beaming a song for somebody else to download/hear is pretty cool to me.

    I agree. But, I don't think the "social networking" aspect will fly, when combined with a restrictive DRM scheme. I too like the idea of being able to sample a friend's musical library, but there is too much fine print with the Zune implementation. As for the specific "it will get you dates" selling point, as Steve said, that's pure crap.

    IMHO, Steve is really good at deconstructing the bad approaches to cool technology others promote. As with video, prior to the iPod with video (and even after) I saw several ads showing people out on a busy city street watching videos on their no-name video player. It was, and continues to be, a stupid idea for a way to use a portable video device, yet since that's what's being marketed it gives Steve a nice target for mockery.

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  • davidgrimm
    Mar 24, 11:01 PM
    I didn't read much of this whole thread, but this lady right here makes sense. Then again, I hope this idea of being able to buy a coach if the man buys an ipad works both ways.

    Go to Mexico and you can score a coach for $20-30 bucks. It will work as well as a $700 coach you'd get here. You can't say the same for the $50 eyepads. ;)

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  • Nykwil
    Apr 14, 10:08 AM
    Just going to put this right here:

    "What would I do? I'd shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders" -Michael Dell

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  • Sam Yikin
    Mar 29, 12:13 AM
    Haven't heard from Boehner about JOBS, JOBS, JOBS either.

    Anybody who thinks this is anywhere near what Dubya got us into with Iraq has the reading comprehension of a head of cabbage.

    That said, I hope we don't get much deeper into this.

    Agreed, this is nothing like Iraq. That said, the role of the US-led coalition now extends fairly far beyond a no-fly zone and "all necessary measures" to protect civilians, as authorized by the U.N. Resolution. According to this (, they're actively targeting Gadhafi's forces with both military might and propaganda in order to cause Gadhafi to lose support.

    I'm not saying I'm opposed to this, this seems like a much smarter way to fight a war than full-scale invasion/nation building.

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  • cube
    Apr 12, 01:48 PM
    So the US should penalize a Chinese company for building a plant in Brazil? Good luck with that.

    A Brazilian plant that will build products for Brazil.

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  • SimonTheSoundMa
    Nov 24, 08:35 AM
    Where have you seen it priced that low?

    �5 in Asda for 1 CD albums, �6 for double CD albums.

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  • SimonTheSoundMa
    Nov 2, 05:33 PM
    Apple needs to allow for alternative browsers also.

    Fennec and Opera Mobile are miles ahead.

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  • Eraserhead
    Oct 15, 05:15 PM
    We heard something really similar to that when every other company released video-playing mp3 players before Apple did, and Jobs said he didn't see anybody wanting to have portable video. Well, Apple bit its tongue and released it, calling it "innovation".

    I'm a big iPod fan (i've purchased 3) but wireless capabilities is the way of the future. I don't see ourselves in 10 years still being limited by wired headphones and such. Maybe it'll be easier than the Zune (haven't seen the demo) but the idea of beaming a song for somebody else to download/hear is pretty cool to me.

    Nah, I think Job's is right that fact that you don't have wireless sharing gives you the "excuse" to get closer, which is always useful ;).

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  • Unspeaked
    Aug 2, 08:45 PM
    It's just a typical security report. Get your panties out of a bunch and have a glass of water.

    I think the issue here is that this story has been a big deal in the tech world all day (it was in the Post and had a front page story on CNet) and all of those stories make a big deal about it being an Apple vulnerability.

    Then we see he's using a combination of hardware and software that I reckon not a single Mac user has installed, and it all seems a little, um, faux.

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  • skunk
    Apr 11, 12:24 PM
    Ok, good questions and thoughts. Let me explain/expound upon my statement. The bolded part below seems to be what is drawing the most reaction.

    without an accurate understanding of who God is and our relationship to him these good works become nothing but acts of vanity and self glorification that serve only to advance pride and promote self-reliance.

    I am not speaking about conscious motivation within an individuals actions/behavior, although that could be true as we all know people do at times act out of selfish and prideful intentions.You are not necessarily talking about motivation which is either conscious or unconscious. The objection to this idea of man - and other species, too - being altruistic without a licence from El is highly objectionable itself. Is it that you do not want to allow independent action? Where then is free will? Where are other faiths? Does the giving of alms by Muslims count for nothing, too?

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  • vi2867
    Nov 27, 10:31 AM
    It really doesn't mean much to me, since I have had their entire catalog on cd since 1987...

    The money they are talking about doesn't really go to the Beatles, since the Beatles were bad financial managers when they were together, they get very little of this money. They all made their fortunes after the brake up...;)

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  • wshields
    Apr 17, 10:37 AM
    Haha, a pre order event? Wow, what a balls up.

    Apple rapped them over the knuckles for allegedly withholding stock and rightly so. I wonder if this is the result.

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  • Popeye206
    Mar 25, 02:09 PM
    There's zero incentive for Apple to do that. They're in the business of making $$. If they made a phone, and supported it for 5 - 7 years, no one would buy new ones, therefore no revenue. It's all about making cash...

    Plus, a phone going on 3 plus years is pretty good. You got you money's worth. Sell it on E Bay-or Craigslist, and make some cash. Or like you said, an iPod.

    Yeah, but given they still sell the 3GS as a new phone, they should make a 3G version that is lighter on the processor so it's snappier or just provide the 3.X version.

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  • toxicbomber
    Jan 11, 05:20 PM
    I heard from an Apple employee that there is a clue in the slogan. Come on guys, keep speculating! :eek:

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  • Malcster
    Sep 12, 02:48 PM
    Ok, mines crashing everytime on the gapless playback scan.. Grrr

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  • koruki
    Mar 21, 09:20 PM
    I'm listening to my iPod Classic 160gb right now, I bought it after I got a 32gb Iphone 3GS. I just don't like touchscreen for music on the move.

    May 5, 09:33 AM
    Cool. Maybe alongside this magical 3D display technology, they can magically figure out how to put ANOTHER SPEAKER IN IT SO WE CAN HEAR IN GLORIOUS 1950s STEREO!!!

    Sep 22, 09:28 PM
    Whether it's true or not all I have to say is this,


    Nov 7, 01:20 AM
    I mainly hope that they go up to 1GB of RAM with this. Maybe a minor hard-drive upgrade too. Either way, I'm buying.

    I hope for this as well. If not, I'll probably still go for it. It's not that much for a harddrive upgrade. As far as gig ram goes, why not? :D

    Can anyone think of a reason not to order a C2D the day they come out? Wait to see if there's bugs or something?

    Personally, I would find it kind of hard to wait!

    Mar 11, 03:12 PM
    Please Apple, include the 13".

    Oct 26, 07:33 PM
    I just had my heatsink replaced last weekend, and I just now noticed the screw. Oh well...:cool:
    They ADDED a screw?? I mean, they drilled a new hole in the casing???

    That seems like a crazy repair job if ever I've heard one.


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