recent earthquakes in japan 2011

recent earthquakes in japan 2011. Map Of Recent Earthquakes 2011
  • Map Of Recent Earthquakes 2011

  • Kyffin
    Nov 16, 05:52 PM
    New dinner service

    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. Recent Earthquake Moves Japan
  • Recent Earthquake Moves Japan

  • IndyGopher
    Apr 14, 10:42 AM
    "iX" = "Ix", which is the nickname for the character Ford Prefect in the book "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

    Obviously, the new Apple device is either a digital watch or a towel.

    I see that name, and I think of Dune, not HHGG. Ix is the planet where all the cool machines & gadgets are made.

    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. Recent Earthquakes - Last 8-30
  • Recent Earthquakes - Last 8-30

  • firestarter
    May 1, 10:16 PM
    Don't feel any real positive emotion out of it because of how long it took, and how the most damage of 9/11 came from our response in my opinion, but yay I guess? I don't believe he was very active in Al Qaeda anymore, and even if he was, he's an easy replacement.

    I agree with both your points.

    He will be easily replaced I guess... if Al Qaeda isn't already splintered so far that there's no leadership required.

    The most significant effect of this will be on the psychology of the West, particularly in the US. Most of the negative effect of 'terrorism' has been inflicted by the US on itself.

    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. Strong 8.9 earthquake rocks
  • Strong 8.9 earthquake rocks

  • playaj82
    Jul 26, 02:21 PM
    I still don't have a desire to touch my LCD screen

    Unless they can figure something out where that doesn't happen, I'm not impressed.


    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. Recent earthquake hit at
  • Recent earthquake hit at

  • elmimmo
    Aug 15, 03:21 PM
    • Preview ( - improved buttons
    Hey, don't say that too loud.

    From the ever changing Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines ( each toolbar icon distinct helps the user associate it with its purpose and locate it quickly. Variations in shape, color, and image all help to differentiate one toolbar icon from another.
    And that's how they read now… "Back" at the release of Tiger it was like this: Each toolbar icon should be easily and quickly distinguishable from the other items in the toolbar. Toolbar icons emphasize their outline form, rather than subtler visual details.
    55119(no explanation on why the changed was deemed more appropriate).

    Hey, don't look at me. I did not write that!

    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. Earthquake+japan+2011+
  • Earthquake+japan+2011+

  • Chupa Chupa
    May 4, 05:52 AM
    Disappointing, but expected. This actually brings up more questions than answers though:

    1) Is this a permanent move to a Fall Release of the iPhone?

    I'm starting to think it will be. If you look at the "big picture" it makes sense. The iPod is in decline, so Apple's previous big Fall music event isn't really big anymore. The iPhone could shore that up and bring lots of sales to 4Q and maybe even, reinvigorate iPod sales.

    Apple then uses early summer to push new Macs for back to school. Late winter/early Spring remains iPad.


    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. Japan-Earthquake-2011; Recent
  • Japan-Earthquake-2011; Recent

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 22, 09:46 AM
    I still haven't seen the "killer app" that makes this higher mobile speed something I can't wait another year for. I know that's not the smartest way of looking at it - the higher speeds bring the innovations we haven't imagined yet. But I'm not seeing them on the Android platform, either.

    It seems to mostly benefit tethering - but tethering benefits other devices and not the mobile handled experience.

    Fast access to these new cloud music storage services is interesting, but the data caps practically kill their usefulness.

    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. Images of the Japan#39;s
  • Images of the Japan#39;s

  • milo
    Jul 28, 09:48 AM
    Really depends on yoru defintion of success. Popularity wise it's been successful (360 is helped solely by the fact it's the only HD player out there right now) but as far as the stock holders and business men are concerned it's been a debacle - they've lost hundreds of millions of dollars in the XBox and have still yet to see a single positve quarter, financially speaking, since it's inception.

    360's main advantage is that it's the only console of the three to release the next generation version. They have a year's head start on the other two.

    They're still losing money on the 360, but component costs will drop until they are making a profit on boxes. Don't forget, ALL consoles lose money when they first ship. With the original xbox, they never really caught up, but it looks like they will this time around. And with the PS3 shipping at an even higher price, there's less pressure for them to drop prices. As much money as MS has been losing, Sony stands to lose much more. If Sony doesn't get their act together, I could see MS and Nintendo driving Sony out of the video game business.

    I agree. I like MS strategy. They want to get their foot in the door and compete, then sell you all kinds of other ish. Look at the XBOX/XBOX 360, they may sell them at a loss, but with the Software, XBOX Live, and the Marketplace, they are making their money.

    That's the goal, but so far they have yet to get out of the red on xbox and 360. And "ish"? You seriously just said that?

    The OP statement was that the 360 was the only HD player on the market right now. Which clearly isn't true. Upscaling isn't HD in my book. But that is me.

    It does play GAMES at HD resolutions, right? The original post never said it plays HD dvd's.


    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. post Japan Earthquake 2011
  • post Japan Earthquake 2011

  • redAPPLE
    Jul 25, 08:41 AM
    It's about time. But I've had a wireless mouse/keyboard set when I got my iMac G5 Rev. A back in the day, and I quickly got rid of it. I was sick and tired of changing the damn batteries every few weeks. I never mouse or type away from my desk, so I had no use for it, and I'd rather have the ugly wires than deal with the annoyance of buying/changing batteries often. Now, if they were rechargeable (in a dock, I don't want to have to take them out and put them in a seperate charger), I could see using them.

    apple could use firewire cables (like the iPods) to recharge wireless keyboards and mice.

    long live firewire.

    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. in the recent earthquake
  • in the recent earthquake

  • iBlue
    Jan 31, 11:15 AM

    That must be hilarious to see in action. :D

    On topicly, though not literally my most recent purchase I enjoyed it so much I thought it worthy of posting:

    Two tickets to this (


    At The Royal Albert Hall ( (Grand Tier, box 18, to be specific. OOOoooOOooh :D) You can see a good virtual tour of the RAH here ( (Spot the royal box, the only one with 4 seats next to each other.)

    The show was nothing short of exquisite! Highly recommended.


    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. recent earthquakes in japan
  • recent earthquakes in japan

  • maclaptop
    Apr 28, 03:34 PM
    Anyone else find these stories on market share to be completely boring?!?

    Can MacRumors setup a Page 3 section to put these on and keep the interesting rumors on the first page (new Macs, new iOS, etc)?

    I agree completely. Great Idea!

    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. japan video 2011, Recent
  • japan video 2011, Recent

  • tjb1
    Jan 26, 12:09 PM

    Seriously dude, you're in the wrong thread.

    This isn't the "What Is Your Wish?" or "Random Thought For The Day" thread.

    People are talking about tax returns and yes I spent about everything I made on my computer, I am a full time college student. And half the posts in this thread are about who started it and why they started it so early...


    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. most recent earthquakes in
  • most recent earthquakes in

  • Kyffin
    Nov 15, 06:42 PM
    Gotta say I disagree with you on that, I've always thought good quality clobber is worth the money.

    Just for why is that I'm facing a new wardrobe after eleven+ years service from the last (I tend to do things periodically) when I had a half dozen suits made up and some good shoes. As for the suits they hang better than anything off the peg to this day and I'll get a couple more years out of them yet (the cut and full canvassing mean that you save money on the price per wear basis as well as being continuously better turned out). Its really win, win, win (especially if you like to support skilled local crafts &c.)

    Personally I like wearing the same clothes for years- my shoes probably have seen thousands of miles and get more comfortable with every step (I like having a cobbler too- even if he's only seen two pairs from a rotation of three over a decade:eek:). Similarly shirts just get better until they turn into mufti (I rotate shirts and treat them well so easily get 3+ years until the collars/cuffs fray past the 'would you be happy to meet the Queen in that?' point- fortunately thats when I luv 'em the most!)

    I suppose its diffrent strokes/ diffrent folkes, but I really don't get the whole sweatshop/ single use/ el cheapo clothes, nor the crassness of expensive branded clothes with a only slightly longer life. Not a value judgement, but really don't see any worth in doing it this way. /2p

    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. The most recent earthquakes
  • The most recent earthquakes

  • Aetherhole
    Mar 15, 08:19 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Nice! That gives me hope! I'll be at the spectrum in half an hour.


    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. Due to the recent Earthquake
  • Due to the recent Earthquake

  • OdduWon
    Jul 22, 01:53 PM
    is'nt that because apple loads all the stuff you need to run it already? i know an windows formated ipod will work on either mac or pc, but mac formated wont wonk on windows. is this just some player hate'n by windows or is there a way to run a mac formated ipod on a pc? also i've experienced my ipods (windows formated for versitility) format get corrupted on my pc. i'll be using it one day and then booom! "this ipod is not formated for blah blah blah" never ever had this happen on my mac's. is this an apple issue with the correct windows format or with windows being windows? :confused:

    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. Damage from Japan#39;s recent
  • Damage from Japan#39;s recent

  • ipader
    Apr 13, 02:59 PM
    How does one get to become an analyst? And what gives this guy any credibility? Seems like they just come up with crazy claims for the purpose of having something to say.

    How can you tell when an analyst is lying?
    His lips are moving.


    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. recent earthquake in Japan
  • recent earthquake in Japan

  • McKs
    Apr 1, 04:51 AM
    this iPad-ness of Lion has me a bit worried. I don't want my interface looking like some cheap toy.
    Hope they'll come up with something classier to match the hardware :mad:

    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. May 23, 2011 · Earthquake news
  • May 23, 2011 · Earthquake news

  • Corey Grandy
    Jan 28, 09:06 AM
    I missed seeing it in theaters. That's a great deal for the price.

    I actually had never seen it, just didn't get around to it. I just bought it because it was a Michael Cera movie :P

    On-topic, this renewed itself today:

    recent earthquakes in japan 2011. Recent Earthquake Japan
  • Recent Earthquake Japan

  • COMtnBiker
    Feb 1, 10:19 PM
    Nice bike. How much did it run you?

    There is a whole lot of members here who bike...

    Picture of Your Bike thread (

    Craigslist special. :D Going to use it as a commuter, and it is an addition to my f/s mountain bike and dedicated road bike. Commute has too many curbs, potholes, gravel sections to ride the road bike and too far for the mtn bike. Wife thinks I'm nuts. :cool:

    Michael Scrip
    May 4, 08:49 PM
    It's not about you, point is "market share is very important" to Apple. Saying market share is not a goal is just wrong.

    So what is Apple gonna do?

    The Android monster is out of control... there are 50+ Android phones out there.

    Apple only has 5 phones. Apple sells every phone they make... yet other platforms sell more. It's not a bad thing, bro... I'm on your side :)

    I'm sure Apple would love for Mac market share to be higher too... but I think they realized long ago that that's quite a challenge. Yet, the Mac is still kickin' stronger than ever.

    At the end of the day... is more market share better? Or more profit?

    The only reason Android has so much market share is because Google will license it to anyone.

    However... Apple is the only company who makes the iPhone. But they're doing phenomenally well. Check their latest earnings report.

    Oct 21, 10:06 PM
    I spoil myself rotten during the year, which usually leaves me with nothing of interest for the holidays.

    1) So like last year, clothes are the main thing on my list. Just essential everyday type stuff from J.Crew.

    2) A nice road bike would be a plus, too. ;)
    I typed in road bike on google images and this one looks swell. (

    3) And lastly, acceptance into a nice graduate program.

    Thanks santa!

    Apr 13, 06:27 PM
    This is a false rumor. Absolutely no way will this happen.

    First of all Google failed with their TV.

    Second of all, it is much better to have the components separate. You can more easily pass the audio to a home entertainment system for surround sound. With a component built into the TV, you have cables going back in the other direction to the receiver. If audio and video both take the same path there is less change of them getting out of sync.

    I thought it was unlikely too,but after reading this thread,with multitudes of people flatly stating it will never happen,I'm leaning much more toward them actually making a television.

    The amount of certainty with which you make a prediction is inversely proportional to it's likelihood of being accurate.

    Apr 28, 08:44 PM
    I just returned my black iPhone 4 32GB and exhanged it for a white 32GB. (thank god for the 30 day return policy). I also upgraded another 3GS to a 16GB iPhone 4.

    Both the 16GB and 32GB are the same dimensions. But what I don't recall on the black iPhone 4 I had for 25 days that I immediately noticed on both of my white iPhone 4's is a small raised "lip" or ridge that goes completely around the front face of the iPhone. I don't have a black iPhone 4 anymore on hand to scrutinize this with, but I will comment on it tomorrow when I do.

    But I think that this definitely accounts for this minimal difference. This ridge or lip raises the iPhone's glass off of a surface if it is placed face side down - presumably to prevent scratches. This lip is small enough to barely decipher any difference from a black iPhone 4, but enough that I noticed it within 5 minutes of using the phone.

    Either way, my white iPhone 4 still fits in the credit card case I bought for my black iPhone 4, but it is a bit more "snug" and appears to not have as much protection or clearance as I had with the black iPhone 4... But the difference really is minimal, not something to make a big "stink" over.

    Jul 25, 03:56 PM
    Just a story...
    The announcer swings his hand towards one corner of the ring, "And in this corner, with the full weight of Microsoft behind it...a device that will play your will play your doesn't even have too, too many's the challenger, the mother of all iPod's the one....the only...THE MIGHTY....ZUUUUUUUUNE!" (Polite applause from the audience.)

    The announcer then waves his hand towards the other side of the ring as the crowd now rises to their feet, cheering raucously.
    "And in this corner, we have your undisputed champ...showing off a new's your video iPod!! With controls that simply...vanish...when you take your hand away?!?"
    The announcer rolls his eyes, and motions, and in wheels the mechanical broom and dust pan. It whacks the Zune into little pieces, sweeps up the debris, then whirrs away.


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