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  • supremedesigner
    Jul 24, 03:38 PM
    Scroll Ball? Hmmm...wondered if it's gonna be sensor scroll bar instead of pea-sized ball?

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  • bluebomberman
    Jul 10, 11:09 AM
    A number of convenient features catered to writers and typists will also be wrapped into Pages 3, including a thesaurus and integration with Spotlight, Wikipedia, and Google. Apple is also said to be looking to build a robust grammar checking engine for Pages that could find its way into other Apple and Cocoa applications.

    I'm going to a MFA writing program in the fall; would love to see how this turns out. I use Word exclusively but can't shake the feeling that there's a better way to do things.

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  • johnnyjibbs
    Jun 6, 11:49 AM
    I believe that there has to be a "cooling off period" - at least here in the UK - after making a purchase at which point you are entitled by law to return the product. Normally that period is 7-14 days but individual stores may be even more lenient than that.

    Whether it is a mistake or not, I'm not sure that Apple can refuse a refund if it is a case of genuine mistake. And didn't Steve Jobs have that button he could press to remotely delete an app from someone's device anyway?

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  • renewed
    Sep 17, 06:24 PM
    Xbox 360 Halo Reach Edition just got here!!! So what did I do? Bought a 32" Vizio to go with it for my bedroom. :eek:


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  • Aduntu
    Apr 14, 06:18 PM
    Those IP addresses are practically useless.

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  • dongmin
    Jul 24, 10:15 PM
    If this patent is anything close to reality, Apple may be prepping something much bigger than an iPod, something closer to a full-featured OS X tablet computer. You'll be running a full-featured version of iTunes, not just the simplified UI of the iPod:


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  • Corey Grandy
    Sep 13, 07:37 PM
    Sometimes. The little squirt just got home from the vet. I took him outside and he ran around a lot. So brought him back in and he went right over to the TV and pooped and peed. Ugh. 9/10 he is using the pads or outside but that 1/10 is making my house smell. Thank goodness for Resolve for Pets.

    I must say, I'm blessed with a really good little guy. He goes out of his way to get to the pad. I can't ask for better.

    selena gomez wallpaper 2011 for computer. selena gomez wallpaper 2011
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  • law guy
    Jan 30, 08:31 PM
    Good time to buy. $$ :D

    Amen. It's such an increase from just three years ago when it was around $23 a share. Buying low now takes a lot more money.


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  • SPUY767
    Jul 25, 05:27 AM
    This says one thing. Apple is continuing to innovate, and that makes me smile. I would imagine that Apple is also a bit wary of carrion fowl such as creative who would swoop down on a market conquered by Apple, and demand a pittance because their own product was a failure.

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  • minnesotamacman
    Oct 19, 07:55 AM
    As always, the iPod is Apple's real cash cow.

    Too bad for those of us who wish they would divert a little more of their attention to their computer line.

    Did I not see that 58% of the revenue came from the computers? How does this make the iPod the cash cow?


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  • al256
    Jun 6, 08:23 AM
    Where's the personal responsibility/Apple shouldn't do things for their customer comments? I thought that was all the rage now a days...

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  • wmk461
    Jan 30, 05:14 PM
    The biggest difference I see between gold and stocks is that one is based on negative gloom/doom thinking, and the other is based on positive/growth thinking. I have little to no interest in investing in gloom/doom, and history is the reason why. Periods of negative thinking tend to be short-lived.

    You are right about this, but we have also never lived in a generation of such drastic debt and our markets are not sustainable at this level of debt and the interest which is owed on it... So I do not see it as doom and gloom but prefer to see the realism behind it. We are really in uncharted territories in modern time but in comparison to the Roman Empire we are over extended just like they were. Our military occupies over 200 countries, we are fighting in two wars with the possibility of a third and it all will cost us trillions. The reality of it is that other countries are not putting themselves at economic risk for the safety of the world like we are. In then end it is the American people who are being effected by this.


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  • MacRumors
    Apr 22, 09:21 AM (

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  • quigleybc
    Oct 18, 07:47 PM
    This just in:

    I posted a profit of $70.00 by quitting smoking.



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  • Rooskibar03
    Apr 23, 04:04 PM
    In general, the staff at most retail and restaurant chains are taught to notify the authorities and not get involved. Violating this policy can and will get you fired at best, or killed at worst.

    And at what point in American society did helping a fellow human being in distress become less important that making 5 bucks an hour slinging burgers.

    Seriously, if McD's fires you for doing the right thing I'm sure there is a BK nearby you can apply at.

    IMHO the bystanders in this situation are just as guilty. Maybe Seinfield was onto something all those years ago.

    selena gomez wallpaper 2011 for computer. selena gomez wallpaper 2011
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  • iDrinkKoolAid
    Jul 10, 09:53 AM
    As a frequent user of Pages 2, I would like more toolbars and less of the 'inspector' stuff, which to me is not as convenient.


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  • selena gomez wallpaper 2011

  • FoxyKaye
    Oct 23, 08:35 AM
    ...seriously, since when have people done as M$ tell you to do? Don't something like 35% of Windows-based computers run illegal copies of the OS?
    Can I get an Amen? This is just M$ trying to frack with Mac switchers who still want to use Windows on their Macs. I don't know anyone who as ever read any M$ EULA in any great detail - but, if they start an urban legend that it's "illegal" to use Windows on a Mac, then people won't read the EULA and just believe M$ will somehow find out they're emulating Vista on their MacBook and shut off the installation remotely. Look at how much gobbledygook M$ has already put out about Vista and "activation", piracy, and other "security" measures.

    These aren't the droids you're looking for. You can go about your business. Move along, move along.

    selena gomez wallpaper 2011 for computer. selena gomez wallpaper 2011
  • selena gomez wallpaper 2011

  • DMann
    Oct 1, 02:36 PM
    AT&T has hands down the worst service I have ever experienced.

    It is as though they were operating in an emerging mobile phone world sometime in the early 80's when phones were the size of a Sat phone or you carried it in its own portable case.

    In all the years I was with Verizon I had maybe 10 dropped calls.

    They should be ashamed of themselves. But really what do they care, they have the iphone exclusively for the time being.
    I must say this reflects poorly on Apple who picked these idiots in the first place.

    Honestly, on a day to day basis, I think about going back and just giving up, the service is just terrible and I live in NYC! Where there are towers everywhere, and I usually have 5 bars.

    Despicable profit seeking, customer service unfriendly whores is what they are!Blame Verizon then. Apple approached Verizon first, and Verizon was unwilling to allow Apple to have full control over the OS, the design of the iPhone

    itself, or to make concessions regarding profit sharing. CDMA would not have been an ideal choice for a global phone, in any event.


    I'm thinking of switching from Verizon to AT&T to get the iPhone. However, I'm hearing horror stories of up to 30% dropped calls in the NY area.

    For all iPhone/AT&T users in northern NJ and NYC area, can you verify that you experience around 30% of dropped calls?? is this true??

    I want the iPhone, but not if it comes with such bad service!!

    Thank you,

    olimits7Northern NJ: zero dropped calls, excellent coverage overall.

    selena gomez wallpaper 2011 for computer. Selena Gomez Lifestyle In 2011
  • Selena Gomez Lifestyle In 2011

  • rovex
    Apr 15, 02:51 AM
    Got an issue with ipad, not sure it's this update but anyway...

    The downloaded apps load for like 1 second and then returns to the home screen, can't seem to fix it.

    Oct 23, 12:02 PM
    ^ This

    Apr 28, 12:35 PM
    Quick, somebody make up some rumors for the man. ;)

    Heard from an analyst who knows a reputable source that ios 5 will be released next Tuesday.

    The date makes sense since it coincides with the 3rd of the month, which is also a prime number.

    For now the ios has the code name: ios5 as insiders confirm.

    Apple is close lipped as usual, but we hear 3 engineers who were asked: "What's new?" gave each other
    high 5's in public and were thus arrested for releasing company secrets.

    Verizon will have this ios too and it comes in white

    Apr 23, 02:41 AM
    Apple has no interest in making different sizes/models of iPhones. If you don't care for that, apple isn't for you. They are a greatest common denominator company.

    Perhaps. But it should be noted that at one time Apple didn't have any interest in making different sizes/models of iPods either. Or CDMA phones. Point being, things change.

    Jul 11, 04:35 PM
    if MS makes it cheaper than an iPod then Apple might have some trouble. Parents/grandparents who are technologically ignorant will generally buy whatever Bestbuy salesman pimps to them for their kid. So if it is cheaper than an iPod with similar functions then a lot will be bought.

    I think people are very wrong here.

    iPod is the cool thing. It is the brand name. It is what everyone asks for, even if they're using a generic term.

    If you have an identical iPod and identical Microsoft brand side by side, people will go for the iPod, because it is the standard they are comfortable with. Even my grandparents konw what an iPod is. It is the Windows / MS Office of the music player world.

    I know its a hard thing to wrap our minds around, but in this particular space, Apple is the established gorilla and everyone has to fight for the extra mindshare. People gravitate to the iPod, and will look at an MS offering with suspicion. "What does Microsoft have to do with Music? Aren't they a computer company?"

    Jul 21, 11:15 AM
    I'm holding off until WWDC to decide what route of "Mac conversion" I am going to be using. If Leopard has a built in Parallels type solution (which I believe it will), then I will absolutely begin my church's mac conversion in January.

    Phil Schiller recently that it isn't going to happen. "absolutely not, the R&D would be prohibitive and we�re not going to do it. Our solution is dual boot." ( At the same time, they are happy to promote Parallels (


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