sony ericsson vivaz pro

sony ericsson vivaz pro. sony ericsson vivaz pro.
  • sony ericsson vivaz pro.

  • tjwaido
    Apr 6, 10:28 AM
    When they revamped Logic Pro they cut the price from $999 to $499.....fingers crossed for FCP.

    I think you mean Final Cut Studio. Back when I first started editing it was $999 for Final Cut Pro, alone.

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. Sony Ericsson Vivaz pro
  • Sony Ericsson Vivaz pro

  • bob5820
    Sep 13, 08:13 AM
    cool!! They should hopefully increase speed :)

    I like the fact that you can upgrade the processors now, but Xeons are pretty expensive. I believe the article stated that quad core is not likely to reach dual core speeds. Some situations will get better performance from faster dual core CPUs while others may get better performance from slower quad core CPUs.

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. Sony Ericsson Vivaz pro QWERTY
  • Sony Ericsson Vivaz pro QWERTY

  • gorgeousninja
    Mar 22, 08:18 PM
    10" Tab, here I come!

    cool.. maybe if you hang out long enough at your local store you'll find another Tab customer one day and you can both form a support group...

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro
  • Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro

  • mactoday
    Apr 6, 11:08 AM
    eh, I don't see how it's significant for anything other than aesthetic purposes. If you're working in the dark the display itself is going to provide enough illumination as it is. Just seems like a waste.
    Well, I work on my MacBook Pro now in bed and it's a pleasure to type on the back light keyboard. You reduce brightness of the display when you work in the dark conditions, I do. So, it's not enough to see the keys, but I don't much care about it, because I could type without looking on the keys, but most of the Apple customers who buys Air's can't type blind.

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. sony ericsson vivaz pro black.
  • sony ericsson vivaz pro black.

  • aswitcher
    Aug 5, 09:25 PM
    *iChat Phone - Call numbers through iChat as part of .Mac... I guess you could make a conference with a combination of multiple phone numbers/iChatters.

    *Maps - A new application designed to compete with Google Earth, but of course be much, much snazzier. Apparently, the next MBP would include a GPS chip so that you could see a "You Are Here" on the map.

    I am hoping the iPhone has BT and GPS, and links to Maps on your Mac! :eek:

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. Buy Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro
  • Buy Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro

  • Man9z0r
    Apr 5, 05:01 PM
    I hope this to be true. I have been wanting to get this software!

    New to video and have heard a lot of good things. :eek:

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro Specs
  • Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro Specs

  • THX1139
    Aug 20, 12:11 AM
    That's okay. No worries. I just get a little defensive when I spend $5000 on a new system, and then see you posting about how it'll be better with Clovertown. But that's my problem I guess. :rolleyes:

    Anyway, it's all cool.

    Yeah... me too! LOL!! :D

    As for Toast and Handbrake performance... well that's all well and cool, but I have little use for those apps on such extreme level. I can't think of an instance where I would run Toast more than once or twice a week. Maybe I should get netflix and build a library of illegal movies?? Nah... I will be using my Macpro for creative work instead. FCP, Motion, Shake, Lightwave, Maya etc... I realize that comparisions with Handbrake and Toast are being made just to show how the cores are utilized, but frankly, I don't give a damn about those apps. They show me nothing. Now if you get into comparing heavy duty Professional apps that take full advantage of all cores at native speeds, then I'm excited. For example, Newtek Lightwave has been announced as UB "very soon". Lightwave is a fully multicore application that should test the strength of the Macpro when it comes to rendering. I'd love to see those benchmarks compared to G5!

    Newtek Press Release (

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro
  • Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro

  • valkraider
    Apr 25, 03:48 PM
    Apple has just brought us the closest we have EVER been to 1984.

    Complete fail.

    Mainly - you have the option to not buy or use an iPhone. Or any phone for that matter.

    You have no idea how technology works, do you?

    First of all, ever since the very first cell phones - anyone carrying ANY cell phone is being tracked.

    Second, you are tracked HUNDREDS of ways! Credit cards, Bank accounts, store loyalty programs, car black boxes, GPS units, traffic cameras, security cameras, internet use, video game networks, etc etc...

    Third: Apple is not the government. The government has to follow specific rules about tracking people (like warrants, etc). Apple is a private corporation that you WILLINGLY entered into a contractual agreement with. Every iPhone user has accepted a terms of service which says that location information will be stored. Period. There is no invasion of anything - if you activated an iPhone YOU AGREED TO IT WILLINGLY.

    Fourth: NO ONE CARES WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN. So many people act like all we want in the world is to find out that you went to 7/11 last thursday and got a bag of doritos. No one but 7/11 and Doritos cares, and they already know...

    Fifth: All of the people crying foul have not even looked at the real data. The real data is wildly inaccurate from a location tracking standpoint. So you are all bitching about someone knowing where you have been within a mile or two. Unless you are in rural Nevada or Wyoming, there are several other people and lots of possible "locations" in that square few miles. If you are in rural Nevada or Wyoming there are no AT&T towers there to register your location against so you are safe too.

    Sixth: If you really really care, jailbreak your phone and delete the file.

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. Sony Ericsson Vivaz pro hands-
  • Sony Ericsson Vivaz pro hands-

  • milo
    Jul 27, 10:57 AM
    All of the reviews of the Core 2 Duo say that it crushes AMD in the desktop arena. This is good news, now we just need new iMacs, MacBook Pros, and Mac Pros.

    And minis.

    I'm guessing we get the towers at WWDC and probably meroms in the macbook. Most if not all the other models will get updates, but they can't do them all at once, I'd bet they'll follow up with separate announcements in a few weeks.

    Core 3 will be out before Vista is. I'm going to call it now.

    Well, duh. That's already pretty much been announced. Vista will be next year, and quad core intel chips are supposed to be out before the end of the year.

    wasn't this announced last friday? (

    Yeah. But today, it happened.

    Does anyone know if the chips that are actually shipping are the same as the prototype chips?

    YES! That's the whole point of a prototype.

    Sorry if i missed it, but at what speeds do these run? Don't they know just because they keep bumping and bumping the chip speed don't really mean they have a faster system. Seem just like yesterday when a better design was more important than a super fast chip. Oh well, everyone is buying into the Mhz myth now. Funny that just a year or so ago, Apple was trying to shoot down the Mhz myth, now they have people cheering for it. I guess power consumption is good though.

    You really need to read about this...these chips are just a little higher clock speed. But they have a 20%+ boost at the same clock speed. They ARE making better chip designs instead of just bumping clock speed. Intel/Apple is actually doing pretty much the opposite of what you accuse them of doing.

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. The Vivaz pro does drop a few
  • The Vivaz pro does drop a few

  • ImAlwaysRight
    Sep 13, 09:01 AM
    Great news. I can't afford nor do I need that much power, but great to see it can be done.

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. Sony ericsson vivaz pro review
  • Sony ericsson vivaz pro review

  • amin
    Aug 19, 09:42 AM
    You make good points. I guess we'll learn more as more information becomes available.

    Yes under some specific results the quad was a bit faster than the dual. Though with the combo of Rosetta+Photoshop its unclear what is causing the difference. However, if you compare the vast majority of the benchmarks, there's negligible difference.

    Concerning Photoshop specifically, as can be experienced on a quad G5, the performance increase is 15-20%. A future jump to 8-core would theoretically be in the 8% increase mark. Photoshop (CS2) simply cannot scale adequately beyond 2 cores, maybe that'll change in Spring 2007. Fingers crossed it does.

    I beg to differ. If an app or game is memory intensive, faster memory access does matter. Barefeats ( has some benchmarks on dual channel vs quad channel on the Mac Pro. I'd personally like to see that benchmark with an added Conroe system. If dual to quad channel gave 16-25% improvement, imagine what 75% increase in actual bandwidth will do. Besides, I was merely addressing your statements that Woodcrest is faster because of its higher speed FSB and higher memory bus bandwidth.

    Anandtech, at the moment, is the only place with a quad xeon vs dual xeon benchmark. And yes, dual Woodcrest is fast enough, but is it cost effective compared to a single Woodcrest/Conroe? It seems that for the most part, Mac Pro users are paying for an extra chip but only really utilizing it when running several CPU intensive apps at the same time.

    You're absolutely right about that, its only measuring the improvement over increased FSB. If you take into account FB-DIMM's appalling efficiency, there should be no increase at all (if not decrease) for memory intensive apps.

    One question I'd like to put out there, if Apple has had a quad core mac shipping for the past 8 months, why would it wait til intel quads to optimize the code for FCP? Surely they must have known for some time before that that they would release a quad core G5 so either optimizing FCP for quads is a real bastard or they've been sitting on it for no reason.

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro is a
  • Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro is a

  • mambodancer
    Apr 25, 03:24 PM
    This won't go very far as the plaintiffs and their attorneys clearly don't understand what the this data file is used for nor is the information being transmitted to Apple.

    For an excellent overview of the subject and what the data file is used for, this link provided by Steve Sande from TUAW is a great read:

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. sony ericsson vivaz pro.
  • sony ericsson vivaz pro.

  • sachamun
    Nov 28, 09:00 PM
    While I usually don't go for boycotts this time I would make an exception, if this was to go through I'd boycott buying anything from Universal. It wouldn't matter if it was an artist I had listened to for years, I'd simply never buy anything they release from that point on.

    I'd boycott Apple ipods too. I wouldn't touch a zune either but...that's for a whole lot of reasons.

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. The Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro
  • The Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro

  • law guy
    Aug 5, 10:20 PM
    EVERYONE is missing something that MUST be updated A.S.A.P.!

    AirPort Base Stations!

    Express and especially the Extreme. The Extreme is YEARS old!!
    :eek: :eek:

    Good point - CNET just did a round up of "pre-n" series routers - the extreme hasn't entered that area yet - although it was ahead of the curve a bit with the "g" standard.

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. White Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro
  • White Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro

  • ltcol266845
    Aug 26, 04:53 PM
    Well, the on advantage of not being able to afford a lappy until next years it that I might a MacBook based on the Santa Rosa platform.

    It seems though that Santa Rosa might end up getting delayed... there have been many issues with getting 802.11n finalized, which is an important component to the new platform

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. Sony Ericsson wishes to woo
  • Sony Ericsson wishes to woo

  • samcraig
    Apr 5, 05:48 PM
    Nobody's using Blu-Ray, in my experience. It's just another way of sucking money out of home consumers. Everything's done online in terms of delivery...

    A very ignorant post. Especially if you value quality. I hardly call providing the best quality video "sucking money out of home consumers"

    Or are you one of those that want to insist that streaming "hd" video is just as good as blu-ray. Because if you are - you shouldn't have even weighed in here.

    No need to school you on the difference here though unless you come back and tell me you still think there's no difference.

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. Sony Ericsson Vivaz pro QWERTY
  • Sony Ericsson Vivaz pro QWERTY

  • rickjs
    Apr 6, 03:19 PM
    did you feel dorky typing XOOM so many times. I would, because its dorky. It's the same reasons that everything in "Xenon: Girl of the 21st Century" was dorky

    Yeah but it kinda grows on you. I really don't like iPad 2 as a name very much, but it kinda grows on you too.

    sony ericsson vivaz pro. Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro.
  • Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro.

  • chatin
    Aug 22, 09:08 PM
    The Woodcrest processors have been put through their paces pretty well on the supercomputing lists, and their Achille's heal is the memory subsystem. Current generation AMD Opterons still clearly outscale Woodcrest in real-world memory bandwidth with only two cores. Unless Intel pulls a rabbit out of their hat with their memory architecture issues when the quad core is released, AMDs quad core is going to embarrass them because of the memory bottleneck. And AMD is already starting to work on upgrading their already markedly superior memory architecture.

    This is one of the drawbacks of using a server CPU on the desktop. In lights-off Xserve this would not matter as most of the data is already cached in memory.

    I think there might be lights out for future MacPro Xeons if AMD where to catch up in the race.


    sony ericsson vivaz pro. sony ericsson vivaz pro.
  • sony ericsson vivaz pro.

  • QCassidy352
    Apr 6, 11:43 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I have a 13" ultimate of the current generation. The limiting factor for me is the graphics, not the processor. so going to sandy bridge with the intel 3000 would be a less appealing machine for my uses than the current model. It's really too bad the sandy bridge macs are tied to those garbage integrated graphics.

    Since you have no clue how the sandy bridge airs will perform, I'll take your statement as FUD.

    It's safe to say they won't outperform 13" mbp which has the same graphics and a faster processor. Which means the graphics performance will be a step back. And really, is the attitude necessary?

    Mar 31, 02:47 PM
    Smartphone OS, yes (iPhone vs. Android phones).

    iOS as whole (iPads + iPods + iPhones + Apple TV) kills Android numbers though. By LARGE margins.

    Fixed that! :D

    If Apple FAD goes away, where will Google copy from next?

    You are delusional if you think Google is not building upon the Apple FAD.

    If there's any truth to the Google Android prototype phone being Blackberry-like, then Google is merely pulling a Microsoft by copying Apple's success. Otherwise, why wouldn't Google have continued down that path?

    Aug 11, 10:25 AM
    I really hope Apple comes out with a phone that's an awesome phone, music player, and smart phone... Is that asking too much?

    Yes, I agree, it would have to be an iPod as well for all intents and purposes. And please Apple, make it a good quality phone - don't make it like those RAZRs which look cool but are crappy otherwise. I don't think I have read more negative reviews on a cell phone than I have for the RAZR.

    W. Ademczyk
    Aug 27, 09:41 PM
    IMO, I believe the new enclosure will basically add easier access to swappable HDD's like the MB. It doesn't seem appropriate for a lower end model computer to have a feature the professional level model should have. That's why you pay the big $. I think the enclosure will remain the same, but we'll see an update that will allow users to change out their hard drives if they choose.

    Exactly, allowing the user to swap out components is definately a direction that Apple is taking, which is something that helps them stay competitive in the pc world. The Macbook, as we all know, utilizes a design that makes it easy to swap out ram and HDDs; and the Mac Pro is configured with snazzy slide-out trays so that virtually every piece of hardware can be swapped out easily. This is a feature that the new MBP case design had better incorporate.

    In regard to the Ipod incentive, if Intel shipped Merom to manufacturers at the end of July, will announce it's release to the public on the 28th, and Apple's own shipment of Merom toting computers comes in on the 5th, I have a hard time understanding why they would wait 2-3 weeks to put these computers in the hands of the public when Dell, HP, and Lenovo will be updating their websites the second that the announcement is made. As far as I can tell, there were two reasons Apple started giving away free Nanos to college kids. First, they needed to clean out the inventory for the next Ipod line; and second, the back to school rush is the best time to increase the market share since college students probably make up the highest percentage of win to mac switchers. Since Merom reportedly costs Apple the same amount as Yonah, and MBP sales have been a little lackluster, it would make next to no sense for Apple to drop the Ipod rebate. We have to remember that the only reason Macintels were released with Yonah in the first place is that Apple wasn't able to pressure Intel into giving them Merom early(thus explaining the drop from 64bit processing to 32bit and then back up again 7 months later). If Apple wouldn't have released the Intel line when it did, they would have been stuck with a stale product line and, missing out on the back to school rush, wouldn't be enjoying their doubled market share.

    I think it's fair to conclude that the 16th was chosen as the date for the Nano rebate not because the Merom will appear after that time, but because most back to school shopping will be done by then. It is in Apple's best interest to try to catch the tail end of the college shopping season with the MBP.

    Jul 20, 10:14 AM
    At some point your going to have deminished returns. Sure multimedia apps can take advantage of a few more cores, but I dont see Mail running faster on 4 cores, nevermind 2!

    How fast do you want mail to go? The main reasons you need good processors is not for browsing, e-mail, text, and such and such. I highly doubt someone who does all these things on a five year old computer will be much slower than someone on a 16 GB RAM top of the line Powermac

    Why don't they just call it: Big Mac.

    I think that's the best name I've heard in this thread (sorry, Chundles)

    noire anqa
    Mar 26, 07:37 AM
    Please release OS X Lion on a cool Apple flash drive :cool:

    Really don't want another DVD, my shelf is full!

    Tell me about it, down with optical media already.


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