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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 11, 05:34 PM
    Fivepoint? Hello? You posted the rhetoric from the gentleman from Kentucky, but haven't actually described how and what you did on the little budget game.

    Looks like he pulled a fivepoint again. Start thread, argue a bit, run away, repeat.

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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 12, 01:58 PM
    I laugh at this topic...because it's been yapped about for weeks..."just cut NPR and we'll save $40 million!" Wow...$40mill out of trillions. Yeah, great concept. Why don't we cut out public museums, libraries, and parks while we're at it.

    I actually listen to NPR...basically because it's on the classical station I tune into. NPR may be a bit on the Democrat side, but overall I find the stories are at least real news...while offering both sides of the argument.

    Queue all the Fox News freaks...

    I think the MacRumors posters have solved this problem with their insightful comments.

    Now to the most important thing:

    Will the iphone and ipad get less expensive when produced in Brazil? LOL

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  • danvdr
    Nov 7, 07:47 PM
    I guess i was wrong with said niche markets.
    what i mean is that as they expand their market share, they'll need to expand their product line, in order to entice customers toward their products. basically, if they have a product for every corner of their market, they'll likely increase their market share.

    Good point.

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  • mdntcallr
    Sep 6, 08:52 AM
    hmmm..... may pick up one of the large ones.

    wanna play with one at an apple store first though. also see if i can upgrade the graphics card. or see if the one included is good enough for photography and gaming.

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  • mooncaine
    Sep 12, 05:05 PM
    Every iTunes update, I keep expecting to see this. Tags you can pile on, *in any order*.

    Example: I have a song by Joe Blow, a song by Suzy Suck, and a song where they collaborated.

    If I add an artist tag "Joe Blow, Suzy Suck", it's one tag. It's not Joe's tag, and Suzy's tag, and it's also not the same as "Suzy Suck, Joe Blow" ... though, to the user, it should be. A search for Suck and Blow should turn up any song that has both artists in the Artists tag[s].

    Especially important for Genre tags. Many tunes could be classified as several genres, but if I put Joe's tune down as "Blues Rock", it isn't "Blues" and it isn't "Rock".

    I would have suggested tags "like iPhoto's keywords", but I don't like iPhoto's implementation of them. I do like drag and drop tags, though. I guess iPhoto-style tagging would be more helpful than the current system.

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  • AP_piano295
    Mar 29, 03:33 PM
    So by that logic. You agree with the enforcement of a No Fly zone in Libya.

    Yes I do. Just as I wouldn't stand idle if an individual near me were being mugged/robbed/attacked/raped, I do not feel my country should stand idle if innocent lives are at risk and it is in our power to save them.

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  • xxBURT0Nxx
    May 5, 12:52 AM
    Single? There are multiple?
    what are you talking about?

    once you sync your iDevice to one itunes account, you can't plug it into a different computer and transfer their photos, apps, music, etc. to your device without completely restoring it to that itunes account. This has nothing to do with never charging your phone.

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  • JasperJanssen
    Apr 27, 04:41 AM
    When you're married, it's a partnership, and it's no longer a case of "your money" and "her money", but a case of "OUR" money. Once responsibilities are out the way, then personal purchases can be looked at, but unless you're in a job where you have a LOT of disposable income far in excess of what's required to pay the mortgage and many bills, then yes it's only right you make sure you have the money to go out and buy a gadget which, most of the time, only you will use.

    I'm fortunate that my wife enjoys using technology, but I still wouldn't go out on payday and just buy a new gadget without at least letting her know I was doing it, and if I spend money on something, it's only fair she does the same ... which means for whatever you spend, you need to double it and again it's only after looking at bills and responsibilities that you can do so.

    That's a really dangerous way of looking at it. It's much better to have three sets of money -- our money, my money, and your money. Preferably in separate bank accounts. In a situation like you sketch, usually one or the other spouse ends up doing most of the purchases with the communal chest, and that can lead to conflict when the other one wants to get something for himself.

    Kids have pocket money, which they can spend as they see fit -- adults should have at least some money that is unquestionably theirs as well. It's a lot easier to agree, once, that M and F's personal entertainment budgets are $n per month, than it is to agree that this september, we'll get a couch, and then maybe in january we'll get an ipad, etc... Budgetting and saving apply on that level as well as the communal property level.

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  • Demoman
    Aug 2, 06:55 PM
    Do you know what a computer without drivers is? A paperweight. The OS is not a single monolithic thing; it's made up of many components. The notion of what is "written into the OS" is more complicated than you seem to think, and it's childish to dismiss a vulnerability because it's in a driver.

    Actually it's the smug attitude of so many Mac owners that makes them such satisfying targets. You reap what you sow. I've been using Macs since 1984 (and PCs about as long) and Mac users get on my nerves sometimes.

    "Make believe" Mac supporters get on my nerves ALL the time. I doubt many of the readers here need to be schooled about the services device drivers provide. When I read the post you criticized, my impression was the author was simply stating that Apple did not write the driver. You seem to want to focus the blame on Apple. So, what is your agenda? Are you just here to bust on Apple?

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  • BigBeast
    Apr 2, 06:45 AM
    Adobe flash... HA!

    The wizards at Apple can't even make a mobile device that will run that load of crap. I hope that crap-ware never makes it into any IOS based products.

    Should read:The wizards at Apple WON'T make a mobile device that will run that load of crap. Continue.

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  • kristiano
    Nov 8, 08:23 AM
    It would be really disappointing if they waited with this upgrade for mwsf 2007.

    I don't think we'll see a new MB at MWSF 2007. Possibly a bit later than that in time for the Leopard release.

    But then again we never know.

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  • 0010101
    Nov 27, 11:43 PM
    Even 100 million would be a steal. Remember that way back in 1995 Bill Gates and Microsoft paid the Stones 20 Million to use Start Me Up. The Who (Pete Townsend) has gotten rich all over again just from the CSI Franchise. Hey they wrote the songs so they should make the money IF they want to.

    Yea. They wanted a big PRODUCT LAUNCH.. they were selling an operating system that cost, what.. $200+ a copy if you bought it retail? They weren't announcing the addition of Solitaire to an existing product that already had something like 70% market share.

    Anybody who wants Beatles tunes probably already has them. Sure, the addition of Beatles tunes is a good thing for iTunes, and the sale of those tunes will add to Apples bottom line.. simply expanding their catalog peaks customers interest.. but not enough to justify spending a million plus bucks just to license a song for a 30 second spot.

    If you were to poll 1,000 random people on the street, you'd be lucky if the majority of people would even know what the hell 'Apple Corps' was, let alone that they had a legal dispute over Apple Computers name.. so the 'joke' of selecting a song like 'Come Together' would be absolutely lost on most people.

    Congratulations to Apple if they can add the Beatles to their iTunes catalog.. but save the advertising budget for the next gen iPod or OS 10.5.

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  • jerryobr
    Jun 28, 08:06 AM
    Hi. I don't care about touch-screen capability so much as just waiting with baited-breath (well, not cat-fish bait smelling breath at least) to see reports of "Constrained iMac Availability" heralding an imminent release of updated 27" iMacs.

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  • dontmatter
    Jul 24, 12:33 AM
    No. Please god no. I don't know how many of you have done e-books but e-books on anything smaller then a 4" screen sucks. HARD.

    What Apple needs to do is come out with a dedicated device. Integration seems the only way they can push into another market at this point. (Shades of MS Windows with [insert anything here.] integration.)

    What Apple needs to do is form an alliance with E-Reader / Peanut Press and having it integrate with iTMS. Then come out with an e book reader that uses digital ink. This is the tech that can paint a screen then cut power to the screen yet still have the image remain. In cases such as this we are talking WEEKS of battery life. Use digital ink + Apple's standard design flare + iTMS and I can guarantee people will eat it up.

    Does anyone know how big this would be? It would be huge. No beyond huge. Literature is as universally accepted as music. It's used everywhere from text books in schools, to training manuals, to maintenance manuals, to entertainment in the home, to entertainment while you are sitting waiting for the dentist. Imagine subscribing to a magazine and having it downloaded off of iTMS like a podcast.

    In short I would sell my first, second, third born sons, and cut off a pinky toe for Apple to release an e-book reader. This is Sony's attempt:

    No one in the market has done the design right yet. There is this huge market waiting for someone to step up to the plate and get it done right, easy, and elegant. Sound familiar?

    But above all please PLEASE PLEASE don�t integrate it into the iPod. It would be doing major disservice to the emerging industry.

    On second thought, silicon addict, you just might be right. big enough to read on just might be too big for the ipod. hrm.

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  • A Robot
    Nov 30, 10:44 PM
    This means I'll finally get album art from itunes.

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  • hobbyrennfahrer
    Oct 21, 10:07 AM
    iPad as an excellent calculator? Only if you're doing 4th, 5th, 6th grade maths and even so, shame on you. Ho there's spacetime and pocket cas, well they're crap.


    Want a real calculator?
    Install matlab/mathematica on your laptop.

    Oh the iPad...
    Well trow it away.
    funny little kid :D

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  • Designer Dale
    Mar 1, 05:32 PM
    Very nice start to the month, folks!
    Mine for today. (
    EXIF Summary: 1/160s f/8.0 ISO100 28mm


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  • coolchan
    Sep 12, 02:54 PM
    nope, i called the store, and they will not do the new nano's with the school discount, but aparently they will do the new videos :confused:
    seems kinda sly to unload the old nanos on poor students.

    Thanks lame. I was going to order a black one with the discount! Gahh.. well have to wait a bit then.

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  • 8CoreWhore
    Apr 13, 06:07 PM
    Here's a quote for you

    Avid,FCP7,Premiere,Vegas all have a viewer.
    Now I know some people that don't use the viewer all that much and I know others that swear by it.
    I myself have been using it less and less over time

    But they can't even say it's dead or anything is missing, because the demo is so limited.

    The images we see are limited ... and are showcasing new things... that doesn't mean one can't turn the viewer on.

    Machead III
    Sep 6, 08:42 AM
    So do we keep waiting for updated Macbooks and Macbook Pro's or not? :confused:

    Yeah I'm wondering the same.

    Every manufacturer and their mother has announced Core 2 Duo portables, and most of them consumer models too. Sheesh, I mean there are Core 2 Duo tablets, if they can do that, Apple can do bloody MacBooks.

    Aug 2, 05:36 PM
    Well, which is it?

    There aren't enough Macs and Mac users out there to count as anything, or they're all smug and worthy of a slap in the face?

    People can't have it both ways. Actually, I would say it's the easiest thing in the world to have it both ways in this case, because the scenarios you describe aren't mutually exclusive. Remember, the hacker world is not monolithic. While the majority of hackers may consider mac users a waste of time, it only takes one with some time on her hands and a beef against (smug) Mac zealots to write a virus for OS X, and that's that. I can tell you as someone who works with hackers (half of my buddies are at BlackHat this week) that OS X is NOT inherently secure, and that there are plenty of vulnerabilities that surface on it that are well-known in the "hacker" community long before they are made "public," and also long before they are also repaired by Apple.

    OS X is definitely inherently more secure than Windows, but the near-complete lack of viruses/use of other exploits for them is definitely not because they are ironclad in terms of security. That should be abundantly clear from a cursitory reading of the kbase article on the latest security update. Many of those fixes were to rootkit holes! As in, god-sized sized security holes...

    I'm not trying to rant or anything, but I've definitely realized in the last few months of my internship that OS X is not nearly as secure as I'd previously assumed, and also that there are a growing number of hackers that are pissed off--or at least find it amusingly laughable-- that Apple and followers are so brazenly smug about security. I hate Symantec just as much as the rest of you for their shameless plugs of their USELESS mac software, but that doesn't mean that OS X is anywhere near impenetrable, especially if you use simple word passwords--and you bet your butt the average mac user does this, if he even sets a password at all.

    Chef Medeski
    Sep 6, 09:06 AM
    Forgive me if this isn't new, but I just noticed that you can order the BT keyboard and mighty mouse as a package for $60 ($54 edu discount). Given that the BT MM alone is $69, this is a great deal.
    So, does anyone want to buy this option with their mac and I'll pay the $60 for both of them. Ok... $70 for your time and shipping. ;)

    something[/i], right? ;) :D As it stands now, since Merom is technically the "mobile chip", Apple has 5 mobile solutions (2 mobile MB/MBPs, 3 not-so-mobile iMacs) and a workstation solution (Mac Pro), so where is the desktop solution? :p :cool:

    Well, lets see where would they put it? Between Mac Mini and iMac.... you know in that $200 difference. Or maybe between iMac and Pro Mac.... in that what $300 difference. It seems like the Mac Mini bump and iMac expansion have left no room in the line-up for another Mac. Even with conroes... all speeds, sizes, prices are covered. There isn't room for a Conroe Mac. Period.

    They probably aren't even going to use Conroe chips because I bet its a lot more work to redesign the iMac to use Conroe and then set up another supply chain just for Conroe chips when they could just use Merom and Woodcrest solely, it seems to fulfill their line-up well and makes it simpler for logistics.

    I bet you a BT Might Mouse we won't see a Conroe Mac in the next 4 months.

    Sep 6, 08:57 AM
    1.83GHz 17" iMac - $1549
    2.00GHz 17" iMac - $1849
    2.16GHz 20" iMac - $2299
    2.16GHz 24" iMac - $2999

    That's a bit higher than I'd thought for the 24" model, I was thinking about $2599 but ah well.

    Off to check out edu prices.

    It's $1999 Stateside. It's actually proportionally cheaper in the currency conversion than the 17" stripper base model.

    Jul 23, 02:06 PM
    So does this mean brand spanking new eBook capable iPods, with built in WiFi, Bluetooth, Toaster & George Foreman next Tuesday??/


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