zach galifianakis no beard

zach galifianakis no beard. Zach Galifianakis and his
  • Zach Galifianakis and his

  • applefanDrew
    Apr 22, 05:18 PM
    Probably early prototype of iPhone 6. They started work on it in January. iPhone 5 is pretty much a done deal by now I'm sure.

    zach galifianakis no beard. I#39;m not making any leeway.quot;
  • I#39;m not making any leeway.quot;

  • mjstew33
    Aug 18, 08:12 AM
    You watch too much Star Trek. It's still a computer, not a digital house servant. Although..... that would be pretty cool. "Computer, go make me a sandwich."
    I also find that in the near future.

    Definitely coming soon.

    zach galifianakis no beard. Zach Galifianakis did not
  • Zach Galifianakis did not

  • Gold89
    May 3, 07:47 AM
    Looks like a solid update, shouldn't be long before a Mac Mini and Mac Pro update to complete the lineup.

    zach galifianakis no beard. a Zach Galifianakis beard
  • a Zach Galifianakis beard

  • Twe Foju
    Apr 20, 01:11 AM
    Sorry if i may have missed some info here

    but does Apple say that they would not put an integrated GPU for the remaining of their Sandy Bridge line?

    which means, as long as they use SB processor, it will be using the HD3000?

    because if you guys hate the graphics downgrade, i am sure this is just a marketing strategy, and you can hope to see the next gen after this one to include integrated GPU, hopefully

    i am also having a dilemma here on whether to pull my trigger on the current ultimate 13 or the SB, even if i dont play games on laptop anymore ( well the only game i still play on my MBP is EvE ), but i am a greedy bastard after all :p

    ==== edit ====

    sorry just done some research, looks like you cant put any dedicated into SB after all.. what a shame


    zach galifianakis no beard. ZachGalifianakisFunnyStory
  • ZachGalifianakisFunnyStory

  • goombamd
    May 3, 08:38 AM
    Waiting for ivy bridge (2012) which will come with USB3 standard unless Apple somehow purposefully downgrades to USB2. Then you won't have to get a Thunderbolt to USB3 hub (if one will ever come out) to use the more standard peripherals. I already have a USB3 external hard drive which works on my Mac at USB2 speeds... :(

    USB3 is really going to remain the standard, unfortunately... at least for a few years. There are just too many USB peripherals around.

    zach galifianakis no beard. Zach Galifianakis and his
  • Zach Galifianakis and his

  • Mord
    Apr 27, 03:00 AM
    As long as my daughter is in there, I will have a say who goes in the bathroom. my daughter isn't a woman yet, she is a girl, and I will do whatever it takes to protect her. Like it or not, I think gender bending is wrong, and people like you will not be in the bathroom with her. When she is finished, it is all yours.

    my views may not be popular in this thread, and I expected the regular insults that you libs dish out to people that disagree with you. If your afraid of dissenting opinions, then you need to stay on some of those forums that will always agree with you, and will nurture you, and your life style.

    "you libs" amuses me, I don't recall ever expressing strong political views on this forum, supporting any particular party or anything of the sort, unless you mean liberal as in someone who supports constitutions, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, free trade, and the freedom of religion? Find me a prominent republican that will disagree with most of those and I'll accept your label gladly.

    Please don't brand me or anyone else as politically partisan simply for disagreeing with you.

    I'm curious as to what you think my "life style" involves that's incompatible with yours or anyone else's? I don't need "nurturing" nor do I need everyone to agree with me all the time. I've been around this forum for a while now, I've met probably approaching 100 members at one point or another, more than a couple of whom have posted in this thread. Please don't indicate that I'm unwelcome here, reality disagrees.

    I'm not afraid of your opinions, if anything I'm merely concerned by them. I'm also bemused by the fact that you seem to think that you own public restrooms, if you want to hold your daughter back from using it while someone you disapprove of is using it then sure, while I disagree with your motives that's your own prerogative. If however, hypothetically, you were to block me from entering, we would however have a situation on our hands, assuming your threats of violence hold true. You would be the one they would arrest.

    I'm just fine with people disagreeing with me, however threatening me with violence, denying my identity (albeit indirectly) and airing a standpoint of intolerance I take slight issue with, issue enough to argue with you. I've not reported any posts of yours or anyone else to moderators. There's no reason to get confrontational here.


    zach galifianakis no beard. A eard-free Zach Galifianakis
  • A eard-free Zach Galifianakis

  • aegisdesign
    Jul 10, 12:52 PM
    great news. I'd love to use iwork instead of office which is slow and crashy, but pages just doesn't cut it for me right now. What I'd really love is for pages to have a "notebook" kind of view like word does because that's much more convenient for taking notes in class.

    Er, see that TextEdit icon in your dockbar - try that.

    zach galifianakis no beard. you might not be aware that
  • you might not be aware that

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 22, 04:30 PM
    Josh tweeted

    Remember when we saw leaks of the iPhone 4 and everyone said how ugly it was? Yep...

    I was among those that thought it was ugly, and that was an actual leaked device.

    Save your breath for something a little more detailed than a mockup based on some guy's sketch.


    zach galifianakis no beard. Zac Efron wants eard like
  • Zac Efron wants eard like

  • MacRumors
    Jul 28, 07:13 AM (

    ZDNet reports ( on Microsoft's recently revealed audio player initiative known as "Zune". Last week ( Microsoft confirmed that they were entering the music player market with an integrated solution for music, called Zune:

    "We do need a more consistent experience," Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said in a January interview. "That doesn't mean it's bad to have a variety of devices. I think that's great. But there are some things we need to make sure are more consistently delivered across the portable devices."

    In the latest article, Microsoft's president of the Entertainment and Devices Division states that the Zune initiative is a long term effort with tie ins into other Microsoft projects including the Xbox, Medica center and Live Anywhere gaming.

    Bach didn't offer new details on Zune but said creating a sense of community and making it easier to find new music are central to it. "We're not just introducing Zune to do the same thing other people do," Bach said. Still, he said, the company expects it to take three to five years for the effort to really pay off.

    zach galifianakis no beard. ZACH GALIFIANAKIS is HOSTING

  • thadoggfather
    Apr 28, 05:37 PM
    I think getting a white backplate and keeping the black front is the best of both worlds. That white front looks ugly and disoriented with an obvious front cam and that black PS (looks like sharpie has been applied to the mesh grill original design), and when the screens off, looks even worse.

    I'll stick with mine :)


    zach galifianakis no beard. zach galifianakis shavesA
  • zach galifianakis shavesA

  • bluebomberman
    Jul 12, 08:44 PM
    Yep, yep, I figured that bit out. I was looking for the flexible page/quadrant stuff - to print in "booklet" form, for example. It aint in Word for Mac.

    My recollection is that Word for Windows doesn't have it either. I have no way to verify that right now, though, since I don't have a Windows computer here on the premises.

    If you're willing to suck it up and go to a copy shop, though, then it's a moot point; you can just design it as a normal document and have them bind it on double-sized paper. (Example: they can fold 11" x 17" sheets into a 8.5" x 11" booklet.)

    zach galifianakis no beard. And they were like, #39;we#39;re not
  • And they were like, #39;we#39;re not

  • ZooCrewMan
    Apr 15, 02:57 PM
    You do know everyone who has a changelog is under NDA, don't you? Why don't you just go look at the change log?

    Uh-Oh! The Non-Disclosure Police are on patrol! Look out!


    zach galifianakis no beard. the hangover 2 wallpaper.
  • the hangover 2 wallpaper.

  • 63dot
    Mar 1, 12:01 PM
    All you need to do is look at him to know that it's not a show. He definitely wants publicity, but I don;t think it's going to get him the results he wants. Most people I know are horrified and of the opinion that he just ruined his career. I have to agree.

    I think with both Sheen and his producer (Chuck Lorre) he is fighting against, people will eventually forget this whole mess over what appears to be control on the show. It's not the first time a show's boss and it's top star have clashed. The series makes so much money that some infighting and typically huge and unrealistic egos will end up on page 10, and then disappear. When "Friends" was on, the backstage stories were giant, but now that the show is a memory, people will believe they are "friends". ;)

    Sheen has probably always been this out of control, and the same with other actors, producers, directors, and other powerful people in Hollywood. It's sad to see a person sink this low, but it doesn't shock me being in the field he is in with other meltdowns (Kramer-dude, Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, Phil Spector, and others).

    The same field that attracts independent, creative, and motivated individuals has many of those same individuals fashion themselves as larger than life. They start to believe their own press releases.

    zach galifianakis no beard. Zach Galifianakis ironic eard
  • Zach Galifianakis ironic eard

  • WeegieMac
    Apr 14, 02:01 PM
    Does anyone know if the home sharing play count bug has been fixed? I'd upgrade if it has but if it hasn't I'll stick with my 4.3.1 jailbreak.

    For those who don't know what I'm talking about there was a bug where home sharing to device was not updating song play counts in iTunes like it's suppose to.

    It's not a bug.

    You had to manually tick a box which counted Home Sharing play counts on the iTunes overall one.


    zach galifianakis no beard. Zach Galifianakis was not
  • Zach Galifianakis was not

  • Sam Yikin
    Mar 31, 10:30 AM

    zach galifianakis no beard. Byrd + Glover
  • Byrd + Glover

  • aristobrat
    Oct 24, 08:33 AM
    802.11n isn't due for ratification until 2008. There is a "Draft N v 2.0" due out next year that is supposedly close to what 802.11n will be but there's no guarantee anything will work until the final spec is released in 2008.
    As long as it works with the 802.11[whatever] that the iTV ships with, it'll work for me. :)


    zach galifianakis no beard. Zach Galifianakis has no bad
  • Zach Galifianakis has no bad

  • inkswamp
    Jul 28, 05:19 PM
    :/ i've yet to see a blue screen from xp.

    I've seen the blue screen on XP. It's funny because I've been told by Windows users that it doesn't exist in XP, yet I witnessed it two weeks ago when a colleague of mine was trying to do something with Adobe Acrobat. The program just spazzed and the blue screen came up.

    zach galifianakis no beard. Not Zach Galifianakis.
  • Not Zach Galifianakis.

  • budfoot
    Apr 22, 09:25 AM
    Not sure I understand, I've had 4G on my Evo for over a year now...


    zach galifianakis no beard. and Zach Galifianakis
  • and Zach Galifianakis

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 24, 04:38 PM
    Thanks for the anecdote.

    The iPhone sets the bar. Google has to flood the market with a lot of junk to achieve higher share. That's hardly impressive. Google is the MS of mobile. Hardly a compliment. License out your beta OS to anyone that can slam together a box, give it away, and away you go.

    The iPhone is still the #1 selling handset. Where are the iPhone killers? There aren't any. Because the competition doesn't know how to make one. Because Apple approaches tech from a totally different place.

    The iOS platform still dominates, and given the iPad's success, it'll be that way for the foreseeable future.

    Android enjoys highest smartphone market share. Yet the OS is pretty brutal and their ecosystem is a mess. So why do they have greater share? Not because they make a superior product, but because the only alternative to an iPhone was an Android-based device, and Eric T. Mole got to work licensing it out to everyone with no regard for design or User Experience. If you flood the market with what, 70+ (probably a lot more) devices and let everyone and their dog make the devices you'll eventually enjoy force of numbers.

    Android is given away free to anyone to manufacture, to make as many POS devices as they wish, to sell for peanuts, in massive volume.

    That's all it is. Market flooding at every price point and you get some sort of touchscreen and some sort of app store. And given Google's Microsoftian horizontal business model, that's all it'll ever be.

    For instance, THIS is the kind of total junk that Google puts their name to:

    And guess what: Dell went ahead and copied it. The DELL XCD28. Same junk. But Android market share just went up!

    Here's another amazing Android device:

    Anything to be proud of? But hey, they're dirt cheap. And uh . . . "open" or whatever.

    If Google actually *cared* about what they put the Android name to, if they actually gave a damn about the USER, would they allow this? Ask yourself that. That's the difference. There are some things Apple *will not* allow to exist - namely: garbage.

    Yes, highest market share. Until you go hunting for the REASON.

    Its only in opinions which OS is better. I know Windows is better for me because it allows me to build my own hardware. Not all android phones are dirt cheap. The top selling ones are not the dirt cheap ones it is the ones that compete directly with the iPhone in the high end smart phone. There are a lot of phones out there that top the iPhone. The Atrix, the G2X, Evo and multiple other ones are all better phones then the iPhone 4. The iPhone is a good phone, But is far from the best. It will never turn into a one horse game. There will never be an "iPhone Killer", And android is here to stay.

    The iPhone can not meet everyones needs some people need a physical keyboard, Larger screen, SD slot, Smaller screen, HDMI, High end camaras, various things that end the end the Single model of the iPhone will not work for them

    Aug 15, 02:31 PM
    how about some safari improvements like:

    ability to search other search engines, like firefox does. why just google?
    why not wikipedia, IMDB, AMAZON, EBAY and more?

    also how about ability to have bookmarks in a click menu, like yahoo toolbar, where it can be shared among a login on your .mac acct? across all your computers, ie laptop and workstation?

    just some ideas

    Apr 13, 03:32 PM
    a television doesn't make sense. For one thing it'll be too expensive. I say focus on making the apple tv a better product.

    Apr 24, 11:23 AM
    A friend in IT was all over his new EVO, saying and trying to show how superior it was to his old iPhone. Within a month or two the EVO was gone, replaced with an iPhone4. Why? He said it was a dead end. While a few things were really nice, it was buggy, there were too few apps, and it was just no fun to use.
    Life should be fun, not fraught with glitches and a tool that had no soul.

    That's what's been happening with a lot of people, they try all the "iPhone killers" and swear by them for a week or so, then all they do is complain and say I wish I got an iPhone! Most of the people I know that went that route are iPhone owners now.:cool::apple:

    Nov 29, 07:21 PM
    All I want is a real, good friend.

    Me too buddy, me too. :o

    But as far as material crap goes, gift cards to Lowe's and Home Depot (that's Lowe's Home Improvement for those nearby a Lowes Foods :p)

    Apr 14, 03:24 PM
    It hasn't been fixed.

    well it's kinda weird - ip4 is fast enought to have NO animation problems. This started exacly the same as 3G problems on iOS3.x.

    In a few months we all know that ip4 is too slow, too old and we would need to switch to ip5 :/

    it is sad to see that Apple don't care about performance anymore...


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