spiderman 3 pc gameplay

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  • AppleInLVX
    Apr 26, 12:08 PM
    Apple charging for a service that should be free with the hardware? Inconceivable!

    I'll stick with my local storage, thanks. If you want to do me a favour, Steve, give me my calendar, contacts and email for nothing. Or don't. Google does, and I've been quite content so far.

    spiderman 3 pc gameplay. Spider-Man 3 Screenshot
  • Spider-Man 3 Screenshot

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 22, 12:12 PM
    So then the question becomes, if not LTE why the delay?

    Some have said a new version of iOS. But why would a phone have to wait for that? You would just upgrade later like we all did with iOS4. So there has to be some other reason. But what? New size of screen, like the edge to edge thing talked about? The rumor mill keeps saying that the design won't be much different then the iPhone 4, so if true, and there is no LTE. Then why the delay? It's not because of Japan, because these rumors were floating about before all that.

    It's kind of madding because I am in the market for a new phone now and fall is an awfully long time to wait. If another year is added on top of that for LTE, well...wow. That could work out to a year and a half from now for an LTE iPhone, unless they release something in another unusual timeframe...like say Feb. or March. But I don't see that happening. That's a really LONG time to wait for something in the fast moving world of phones and electronics.

    Two reasons.

    1) The iPad 2 and the iPhone 5 will compete for some components (such as flash). Given apple's inability to produce in accordance with iPad 2 demand, it's possible producing iPhone 5's could further reduce that ability. If they value maximum iPad 2 capacity more than a summer launch, that's one explanation.
    2) iPhone 4 sales with a Verizon model and a forthcoming white version have been/are/will be strong enough to warrant selling them for a few extra months.

    Of course, there is the concern of falling behind competitors and not maximizing profits, but those are all concerns to be weighed.

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  • rhoydotp
    Mar 31, 12:32 PM
    You guys cant tell me a color HONESTLY bothers you that much???

    what's the color of your car? how about your couch? how about your suit?

    appearance matters especially if you are looking at it constantly :mad:

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  • game :(. Spider-Man 3 PC

  • billysea
    Apr 14, 11:32 AM
    Give me some wise decision guys�

    I am badly in need for a new iDevice. My last device was the iPod Touch 1st Generation. I am planning to get both the iPhone and iPad, but will only get one now and wait for the other one in the next update.

    So which is better now?

    Get iPhone 4 White, and wait for iPad 3�
    Get iPad 2, and wait for iPhone 5?

    I am leaning towards the first option because the iPhone 4 feels like a revolution while the iPad 2 feels like a small upgrade and I wish it has a retina screen. But on the other hand, the iPhone 4 feels old now and iPad 2 just released.


    spiderman 3 pc gameplay. Spider-Man 3 (PC) Screenshots
  • Spider-Man 3 (PC) Screenshots

  • kbmb
    Apr 15, 01:48 PM
    976.6 MB wtf
    Apple: Learn from Google http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/software-updates-courgette

    Problem is the App Store. I don't think Apple thought about this in regards to the Mac App store having larger programs. Sure the iOS App store is easy....most apps are small.

    The latest patch to Aperture for example.....I bought through the App store....and it had to download 600+ MB as the whole app just to patch, whereas people who already had it got a delta update through Software Update.

    Here's hoping in Lion they merge the two somehow....at least with Apple apps.


    spiderman 3 pc gameplay. Spider-Man 3 (PC) Screenshots
  • Spider-Man 3 (PC) Screenshots

  • YoNeX
    Nov 5, 04:39 PM
    They want screenshots and numbers, but since the EULA says we cannot disclose numbers, not much left but screenshots. Oh and for the record, I was not able to get my XP to install properly. Tried about 3x. As for my choice, Parallels for stability, but VMware for the multi-core support. I'll leave it at that.


    spiderman 3 pc gameplay. Spider-Man 3 (PC) Screenshots
  • Spider-Man 3 (PC) Screenshots

  • Chase R
    Nov 8, 07:31 PM
    Hello broken bones and doctor bills:D

    Life's no fun if you're not taking risks!... (words from an adrenaline junky :D)

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  • stuffradio
    Apr 14, 10:44 AM
    You'd have to be a chump to buy a new iPhone now.


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  • Spider-man 3 10

  • pacso
    Apr 14, 11:37 AM
    My apologies if I'm not the first person to mention this, but what about this article (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/13/analyst-claims-apple-branded-television-could-appear-later-this-year/) as a candidate piece of hardware?

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  • podiki
    May 3, 07:53 AM
    Meh, she's got sharp knees.

    Oh, wait, I'm not on fark bitching about a beautiful woman...

    Sweet update. Might consider trading in my Mac Pro.


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  • NightFox
    Mar 31, 12:06 PM
    You lot are going to freak when you see the default system font in the RTM Lion is MS Comic Sans.

    spiderman 3 pc gameplay. Spider-Man 3 Screenshot
  • Spider-Man 3 Screenshot

  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 10:21 AM
    I've read the post over again and if that was sarcasm, he's bad at it and should stop.

    Well he did have the spec whore thing down and was a pretty convincing Android Fanboy as well.

    The 2 things that convinced me:

    1) The use of 'and...and...and' a lot. Stammering: A hallmark of sarcasm.

    2) He then responded to one of my comments with a very thoughtful post (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12377088&postcount=26). Hardly the type of thing and actual Android-Troll would write.

    I was pretty sure based on #1 (do people really not know the stammering thing? I guess not!), but #2 was enough to make me certain.


    spiderman 3 pc gameplay. Tags: spider-man 3,spiderman 3
  • Tags: spider-man 3,spiderman 3

  • yojitani
    Mar 4, 03:28 PM
    He was just in the Bahamas with two babe girlfriends and has a hundred million dollars - destroy me please! :D

    He's living the dream. He's a rock star from Mars. Seriously. Personally, I'd rather be Keith Richards with just two remaining brain cells and lived his life than corporate middle management at the same age with all my brain cells intact.

    He is who he is because of his dad.

    Pretty bleak world view you have there. Either a washed up, though rich, drug addict or corporate middle management?

    I wouldn't say he's living the dream. Certainly not a life I'd like to live. (could do with some of the cash though!)

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  • Full Version PC Game:Spiderman

  • techpr
    Apr 14, 12:39 PM
    Are people firing up their lawyers because Apple does not update their iPhone 3G that came with iOS 3 when they bought it in june 2010 ? Doesn't the licence flyer in the box say Apple will supply the current iOS version +1 ?

    From Wikipedia: On July 11, Apple released the iPhone 3G..... Time for an upgrade?


    spiderman 3 pc gameplay. Tags: spider-man 3
  • Tags: spider-man 3

  • *LTD*
    Apr 21, 11:17 PM
    The ITC staff just ruled against them, they lost the famous case against MS, they ended up paying Apple Corps, etc.

    What have they actually WON?

    Record-breaking quarters and the position as the trend-setter in consumer tech.

    These legal skirmishes haven't and won't result in any major untoward changes to Apple products. We all know this already.

    spiderman 3 pc gameplay. Tags: spider-man 3,spiderman 3
  • Tags: spider-man 3,spiderman 3

  • Brien
    Mar 16, 11:16 PM
    Wow, things sure are crazy. Good luck to those who still need one. I was kicking myself for ordering after it had slipped to 2 weeks, but now that it's at 5 weeks I feel a bit better. :D
    ROFL! No one in their right mind is going to swap an AT&T for a Verizon model when the GSM models are in such short supply.

    Also, though I know none of them read Macrumors, I'd like to sneak a moment of catharsis by sending out a big karmic f_ck you to all the scalpers who stood in line on Friday and bought out all the GSM models to ship and sell them overseas.

    Anyway, off to order my GSM version online, and then to enjoy my Verizon white 32GB at work while I'm not drafting contracts & wills.
    Yeah. That seems to be the case across the country. Makes you wonder what percentage of iPads left the country on Friday...


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  • andiwm2003
    Oct 23, 07:56 AM
    This is incorrect.

    Microsoft's Vista EULA says:

    4. USE WITH VIRTUALIZATION TECHNOLOGIES. You may not use the software installed on the licensed device within a virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware system.

    This means you can't use the *same* installation of Vista Home inside a virtualization technology on the licensed device.

    This DOES NOT mean you can't use it by itself in a virtualization product on any platform.

    The reason this is included in the EULA is because Vista Business and Ultimate actually include additional licenses specifically so the same license can be used to also run in a virtualization environment on the same device where Vista is already installed.

    So, the higher end versions of Vista actually include more in terms of virtualization licensing than any other commercial OS.

    In any case, all versions of Vista can be legally used standalone in a virtualized environment, such as Parallels or VMWare.

    that sounds more reasonable to me. i'm not a lawyer but i thought in most countries it would be not legal to restrict the software use to certain hardware settings after you bought a full version.

    spiderman 3 pc gameplay. Tags: spider-man 3
  • Tags: spider-man 3

  • twoodcc
    Sep 19, 10:16 AM
    A good guess is 41 min per frame, 18k PPD, about the same as the old 2007 3Ghz...


    has all sort of speed tests.

    see that's not all that impressive to me. you would think 8 real cores, or 16 cores with HT, would beat 4 real cores or 8 with HT. i mean i could buy 3 machines like my i7 for the same price as an octo mac pro 2.26. i'd rather have the mac pro, but i just can't justify it right now. maybe when the i9 comes out

    18k PPD is pretty impressive. . . . if you run it in windows you could use the vid card too, probably pull close to 25k. I would love to see Pande Group put out a GPU client for mac OS X.... I'm getting sick of running windows 90% of the time on my Mac Pro.

    yeah but you can't run the bigadv units in windows, and i can't get them to run in a VM either.

    With these new big units no more need for GPU...

    What would be nice is to run OS X and the big units, the GPU with WINE with a couple of fast Nvidia cards...

    We just need one of the smart guys here to do a step by step for us...

    yeah we do. i'm not one of those smart guys, and i'm too lazy to try and look up how to get GPU working in linux. i know you can do it though

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  • lilo777
    Apr 22, 02:54 PM
    Apple has never used extreme edition processors. It's outside the scope of their market (aside from beyond their TDP).

    However, that's immaterial to the overall point. You tried to claim that apple skimps on some products, therefore them skimping on LTE because they can makes sense. That's no longer the case, Apple does use mobile quad core processors, so your claim no longer has any basis.

    Really? So the fact that they did not have laptops with mainstream mobile quad core CPUs before Sandy Bridge when every other computers manufacturer had them is "immaterial" now? With LTE it's the same story all over. After they finally get in a year or two you'll probably be able to say again that it's immaterial. I bet it's very material to those who want iPhone with LTE now. Another major problem here is that Apple sticks to having just one model of iPhone (CDMA vs GSM differences aside). As if all people wanted the same thing. They don't.

    Oct 30, 06:01 PM
    cool thats probably it then, the -16.

    the processor trick is with the dev tools. there's a prefpane where u can turn off individual cores, and turn off hyperthreading. too bad there's not a dev tool for overclocking ;)

    Oh yeah, I remember that now, about something in dev tools, that would be really interesting to have oc tools as well.

    Apr 22, 05:02 PM
    I would be really disappointed to see a metal backing like iPod Touch has. My previous iPods from the past are so jacked up on the backside with scratches and dents. I know I'm not alone with this.

    I'd prefer if the iPhone retained a glass backing like on the iPhone 4; I think it's just so sexy. But if they were going to move to metal I'd prefer an iPad-style backing.

    I really hope they don't adopt the shiny InstaScratch backing, that would suck bad.

    Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 12, 10:16 AM
    Enjoy the version of Android that comes on that thing out of the box. With all the HTC bloatware and Android fragmentation you'll be lucky to ever see a software update. :rolleyes:

    unrevoked3 + ROM Manager = Cyanogen CM7 in less than 5 minutes with little to no tech skills.

    Nov 23, 12:46 AM
    That's not why I called him a Communist. I call him a Communist because he acts like a 1-person dictator.

    He's the CEO of a company: accountable to the Board of Directors and the stockholders of the publicly-traded company. There's no comparison between that and a communist dictator. Goofy.

    Anyone who can provide a rational reason why these two things are comparable, please chime in.

    Flash for iOS is no more of a security risk than it is for OSX in general or any other plugin from PDF readers to Javascript.

    That's a terrible argument for having bundled Adobe products on iOS.

    Adobe products are a large risk on Mac OS X. It's unbelievable to me that Adobe Reader is a vector for zero day bugs (http://www.grc.com/sn/sn-273.txt). I really don't know how you do that: it's a PDF reader! The bugs have been around in Adobe Reader for years and Adobe still hasn't fixed them.

    If you only view PDF files, you shouldn't even have Adobe Reader installed on your OS X computer. Apple Preview is better, faster, and far less bug-prone.

    Steve Jobs "reason" for not including Flash is supposedly mostly about performance not security risks.

    It's about both the performance and the security risks.

    It's also about the identity-leaking through Flash cookies. Perhaps you missed that security discussion: more than half of the top 100 websites are now using Flash cookies to track users and store information about them (http://www.grc.com/sn/sn-209.txt). Flash cookies do not honor the cookie privacy settings of the browser; many users don't even know that Flash maintains its own set of cookies.

    It's about the quirky UI interactions with Flash. Scrolling works differently when the mouse is over a Flash region. Certain keyboard shortcuts cease to work. Text that is displayed in a flash window is not searchable with the browser's text-finding feature. My Mac doesn't behave like a Mac inside of a Flash window.

    Then why are they allowing Flash in regular OSX?

    Software is much more tightly-controlled on iOS devices. There is a file system firewall between every app. Third-party apps must be submitted to Apple before they can be distributed, and Apple has the capability to remotely disable any third party app that begins to exhibit a malware-like behavior in the field.

    Some of those controls are about advances in OS development since Mac OS X. Some have to do with the nature of the device: handhelds are more appliances than laptops.

    One other reason to ban Flash on iOS: Flash apps can be packaged as iOS apps. This should be safe because of the way that iOS apps are firewalled from each other and the kill switch that Apple can use if an app is found to be rogue.

    There are fundamental differences between iOS devices and laptops/desktops. Also, Apple no longer ships Adobe Flash on their newest computers. (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1034486) I'm guessing that Apple will ship Flash on no computers starting with the release of OS X 10.7 next year.

    By your logic that would mean that Microsoft must be the most incompetent company out there.

    I don't believe you read that headline carefully: Security experts believe that Adobe is going to surpass Microsoft as the #1 target for security attacks (http://www.grc.com/sn/sn-231.htm).

    On the contrary, it indicates they are POPULAR.

    No reason to shout.

    Perhaps it indicates they have some fundamental problems in their software engineering. Did you read the podcast transcript about the latest Adobe bug? Adobe Reader has the same zero-day glitch as Flash. How does a PDF viewer get executable bugs like this?

    How often does Apple update their security? I guess they're clueless too by your account. You won't admit that, however because you have an emotional investment in Apple.

    Apple updates their software when updates are needed.

    The point is that quarterly updates are far too infrequent. Did you read the transcript of the Security Now! podcast? Given the continuing number of Adobe zero-day bugs, Gibson asks:

    "[Adobe:] how is that quarterly update cycle going for you?" (http://www.grc.com/sn/sn-273.txt)

    That is not what I said or what I proposed.

    You proposed that Apple include Flash with iOS Safari and that users could turn it on. How you can possibly ensure that not a single iOS user will not lose anything the next time there's a zero day Adobe bug (http://www.grc.com/sn/sn-273.txt). You can't.

    Dont Hurt Me
    Oct 18, 08:11 PM
    I think it is as a whole, I just find it interesting that that desk tops are declining, Is this world wide or just for Apple and if it is just for Apple then they are doing something wrong in this part of their business.


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