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  • menziep
    Aug 15, 09:54 AM

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  • silentnite
    Apr 25, 11:47 AM
    Really hoping they bring back the 24" this was really a great starter size.

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  • Otaillon
    Feb 1, 03:05 PM

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  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 28, 10:47 AM
    I reckon the zune will be in the same situation as the sony clie. Its gonna be an amazing product with a million more features than an ipod, but will millions of people buy. Just as sony couldnt compete with palm, microsoft cant compete with apple, but the xbox is very impressive for a software company so im not going to underestimate microsoft.

    I am getting tired of feature after feature that no one needs. It makes the devices overcomplicated and moe expensive.

    I don't need WiFi in an MP3 player. But since MS will have, Apple will have to add it in order to compete. Thank god they haven't added the FM tuner into the player. Which everyone seems to want...:confused:


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  • twoodcc
    Oct 11, 08:20 AM
    I am liking this upward trend we have going right now. We need to keep that up. We need major releases of folding clients to be posted on atleast page 2 if not page one to get some interest.

    yeah i am as well, though it looks like we will get passed pretty soon though.

    yes that would spark a lot of interest. but i doubt it will happen

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  • Beaverman3001
    Apr 17, 07:49 PM
    Thunderbolt would be a killer feature for this machine - and would open up a whole load of expansion options.

    Sonnet are marketing a load of interesting accessories, from Gigabit ethernet and FW800 adapters, to RAID arrays, to full-size PCIe expansion card housings, all of which can connect via Thunderbolt.

    Those CPUs are pretty fast. For everyone except gamers it should be a nice machine.

    Those PCIe housings could make for external graphics that don't suck. Whether that is practical at all is another story.


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  • gnasher729
    Jul 24, 10:56 AM
    By definition, having alternatives makes Apple NOT a monopoly.

    It is not even necessary that there _are_ alternatives. It is enough if others _could_ enter the market if they wanted. In that situation, you cannot increase prices as you like, because at that point others _would_ enter the market.

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  • sycho
    Jan 31, 09:43 PM
    4 replacement winter tires since mine were toast.

    Continental ExtremeWinterContact, as there was no Blizzaks in the size I wanted. 205/70/15, for a GOLF!


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  • Juan007
    Apr 22, 10:14 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    This is a new low for Samsung. Apple had a specific complaint about a specific device. Now Samsung replies with this patent nonsense? Really it makes Samsung look desperate and weak.

    I bet one day in the near future Samsung will regret this move. Apple will source other fabs for their business. Micron, AMD's spun-off foundry, heck even Intel would probably work something out just for Intel. These American companies wouldn't steal Apple's IP.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 28, 07:06 PM
    The update of 0.2mm seems reasonable. 1mm was a joke.

    From the new comparison pictures, it looks like the top plate is responsible for the slight difference in thickness. Perhaps it isn't popped together tight enough? I'd try squeezing it really hard.

    I wonder how much variance is present in the black model actually. I mean if you measured the thickness of several black iphone 4 models from different batches. Perhaps there is variability and this will occur with the white model too. Or perhaps the white is very slightly thicker.

    As it is so small, this is not a problem. As the link in the update points out, most cases fit. The few that don't will have to be altered by the manufacturer. But I have to laugh at comments about owners of iphone 4 cases having to buy new ones for the white iphone they just bought to replace the black one. I seriously doubt that is happening to any great degree. And for those few who are buying white iphones 6 months or less after the black just for a new color, they are not going to complain about having to buy a new case. Suddenly after buying an expensive iphone just for the new color they are getting a sense of frugality? Right.

    Now on to better topics:
    1. Where is the white ipod touch?
    2. When will the ipod classic get a hard drive upgrade?
    3. Will there ever be an ipod tough 3G/4G? Will it double as a mifi?


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  • junker
    Jul 28, 09:26 AM
    What aren't you understanding?


    He's Canadian!! just kidding...

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  • PCClone
    Apr 26, 12:32 PM
    Entitlement? No offense as many feel the same way. I just don't understand how some can realistically expect such a product/service to be free for how new it is.

    Seriously, if you can't afford the 20 bucks, should you have anything other than a trac phone?


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  • RobertMartens
    Apr 14, 09:13 AM
    My $0.2

    Hey you've paid 10x too much for your opinion, in my opinion.

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  • iSee
    Apr 16, 06:27 PM
    Why would you need 64 bit for a MBA? To fly off those huge sample libraries that the processor would lock up over?
    64 bit is only for massive memory allocations and a MBA doesn't even have the CPU to pull it off... :rolleyes:

    At this point I think it's mainly a matter of keeping the platform unified. Why support two kernals longer than you have to? The sooner Apple makes 64-bit the default, the sooner they can dump the 32-bit kernal altogether.


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  • Rogue.
    May 3, 07:41 AM
    UK store now up, i7 still a BTO :p

    Smokin AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2GB GDDR5 [+ �80.00] though :D

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  • Keebler
    Dec 30, 03:45 PM
    This will be a thread hand-grenade, but let's face it - depending on her/your/our healthcare situation, you kindof are paying for this. What we have here with this woman is a pending and unnatural liability on the healthcare system and insurance network due to her socially- and personally-irresponsible whim.

    Who's paying for her bypass surgeries, ER trips, and specialized healthcare infrastructure in order to deal with a person of her size? We are. The cost to sustain her life will with all probablity be more than an average person's: so your premiums (or taxes, if you're in a socialized-medicine country) go up. I'm all for personal freedoms and not letting people tell others what to do with their bodies, but I don't want to subsidize stupid behavior like this. I say make her carry her own weight, and I mean that both literally and figuratively.

    +1 it's a hand grenade that needs to be tossed. fantastic points.

    Here's another one, but hopefully it isn't. It's a personal observation.

    First, let me say that my own country, Canada, is not far behind so this isn't a 'my country is better than yours' situation.

    Last year, I travelled to Myrtle Beach. On the way there, I was astounded at the amount of obese and out of shape people on the way down through all the states. I was once overweight so I have been there :( I couldn't believe that for every turnpike gas station, there were at least 3 or 4 fast food joints and/or donut shops. Add that to the economy issues and ppl don't have alot of choice to eat healthier foods which are more expensive. (of course, walking and running are free).

    Later that night, I watched the news and this is when all the rage was about passing the healthcare bill. There was a debate about it.

    one thought instantly came to mind: no wonder they wanted to pass it. With the number of overweight ppl, you're talking a potentially massive money maker (insurance and health care premiums). It's like making the cows fatter by only supplying them with fattening food or fattening situations then charge them for a heavier weight on the transport truck scale.

    Now, those are my own observations so I'm not saying i'm right or wrong, but I think there's something to it. You may or may not agree or think i'm nuts, but I know what I saw, shocked me.

    Again, it's nothing personal against anyone who was overweight b/c I was too. I've lost 25 lbs, which may not seem like a lot, but I'm also short and trust me, it's made a massive difference in my lifestyle in the most positive way :) I'm in better shape than I was in high school - which is sad really.


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  • bassfingers
    Apr 13, 01:53 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Nope, no way

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  • Apple Corps
    Apr 13, 08:52 AM
    Again, the chosen word was "envisionned". This is purely an Intel tech that Apple had a big role in. The way Chuppa Chuppa initially phrased it reversed the roles, making this an Apple tech that Intel was tasked with implementing.

    I have no qualm with Apple's big role in the tech, but they didn't "envision" it at all and to claim as such is to rewrite history.

    Both of you have yet to provide evidence to the contrary.

    Quoted from the Engadget article "Engadget has learned -- thanks to an extremely reliable source -- that not only is Apple complicit in the development of Light Peak, but the company actually brought the concept to Intel and asked them to create it"

    You are looking at the "evidence" but refuse to see it. No idea if it is accurate - but it is in print.

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  • vincenz
    Apr 11, 08:15 PM

    Really nice shot. iPhone wallpaper :)

    Jul 24, 03:59 PM
    come on, Apple! what we're all really waiting for is a mouse with force-feedback. for all these games.

    Logitech did that years ago with two range of mice.

    Now, they are no where to be seen. They were a gimmic.

    Apr 25, 10:35 PM
    You need my approval to sell the sandwhich shop which I (in God-form) have given you. Consider it denied.


    Nov 4, 08:05 AM
    ...guys, I was wondering...

    Does BOOT CAMP already support DUAL-CORE under XP ?

    Sorry for the ignorance, just bought me a new Macbook and going to install either PARALLELS or BOOT CAMP ( waiting for VMWARE... :p )

    Thanks for feedback !=)

    Yes, BootCamp uses the hardware natively, so that means dual-core support. As to whether you should use bootcamp or Parallels... Well I guess that ultimatly depends on what you need windows for... 3D games or REALLY CPU untensive App? Go for bootcamp. Otherwise, parallels does the trick nicely and doesn't require you to reboot (a BIG bonus for me...)

    Apr 22, 07:10 PM
    it can double as a "knife"....

    Apr 22, 08:59 PM
    So what?

    No one will deny the success Apple has, yet its not good enough for this greedy CEO and company.

    They are just out of control. Pure unadulterated gluttony.

    Dude, you're just all over the place here. Your unmitigated hatred for a company has you flipping back and forth, and arguing against those who agree with you.

    First of all, I think it's hilarious in and of itself that earlier in this forum you went on about how you'd rather be seen with your Galaxy S in public, because you don't want anyone to think you're a douche. Screw what other people think. If you care what others think you're just as bad as them.

    But even funnier, you then come back in a later post and say that your self image is not tied to your phone. Seems completely contradictory to me. On the one hand, your are embarrassed to be seen with your iPhone. On the other, your self image is not affected by your phone. Hmmm.

    Another interesting tidbit. On an earlier post you mention "this town" as NYC. Then later in another post you talk about "here" in LA and Orange County. I know you're located in the "Western Hemisphere", but you sure get around.

    You're outed. You're a troll.


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