roy jones jr belts

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  • wmk461
    Jan 30, 04:09 PM
    I had an engineering friend that did exactly that in the early 1980s. He sold his house and all of his investments, and purchased gold. At the time it was trading right around $900/oz. Needless to say his expectation of the demise of the US Economy and upswing in gold value didn't pan out in the long term.

    I saw him at a party over the holidays this past year and asked if he was excited to finally be near the break-even point again. He was not amused.

    Gold goes up because of investor fears about market uncertainty and global uncertainty (and the bulk of global uncertainty is driven by US geopolitical actions). When the predicted global calamity doesn't happen, the price of gold declines again. Since we have been fortunate enough to be unable to test what happens after a global calamity, we can't be certain what will happen to the price of gold then. My guess is it will be worth slightly more than paper, and less than a loaf of bread.

    I understand what you are saying and it makes sense, and I am gambling my extra money on geopolitical actions. In the 1980's gold was selling for nearly 3000.00 of today dollars. Switzerland is reporting a shortage of gold and Russia has announced that they will be backing up their currency with gold. Bottom line is I don't mind taking a chance on my research, especially with the tensions in the middle east.

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  • MacNut
    May 2, 01:32 AM
    I highly doubt anyone at Fox News is crying. Some of the message boards I browse that are predominantly Republican are even tipping their hat to Obama for accomplishing it.

    For this rare and special day everyone can set aside their politician differences and just celebrate as Americans, not political parties.For one day we are all one.

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  • ucfgrad93
    Apr 30, 10:30 PM

    -aggie- is so called seer. I trust that. Chrmjenkins seems clean. I know I'm not. So it's him left. lbro as well, but I don't get that vibe from him.

    What vibe exactly am I not sending out? In all of the games I've played, I have never had a role other than plain ordinary villager. This game is no different.

    I agree that -aggie- and Chrmjenkins are most likely not wolves. Not sure about you or lbro. But you were awfully quick to single me out, which smacks of some hidden furriness on your part. So my vote is for you, jav6454.

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  • SciFrog
    Nov 27, 06:29 AM
    We need these bigadv, ClubLexus has raised their production to match ours...

    For GPU, it is faster on nvidia...


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  • irmongoose
    Jul 11, 07:05 PM
    WE HAVE COMPETITION!! Thank you, at last... :sniff:

    This is war.


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  • Stella
    Nov 3, 12:42 PM
    ..who won't let you legally ( install a "Home" version of Vista in a virtual enviroment, forcing you to pay more for the Ultimate version.

    What microsoft don't know, won't hurt them.

    I very much doubt whether vista could detect its running in a virtual environment.


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  • gr8whtd0pe
    Jan 31, 08:32 AM
    I have to ask... :zipsupflamesuit: whats an iTouch? :rolleyes:

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  • Porchland
    Jul 11, 02:53 PM
    The big plus of a wireless iPod, I think, would be the ability to sync the iPod live over IP. This should start a move away from the the home Mac/PC as the "feeder" for the iPod. It has always urked me that I can't have my computer at home and at the office learn what songs I download from the other and sync the database accordingly.

    This becomes even more important when the Mac mini media center rolls out and we've all got another device to sync.

    .Mac seems perfect for this.


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  • pgmrob3
    Apr 13, 01:57 PM
    Isn't that just a big ipad, or an even bigger, ipod touch. :rolleyes:

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  • joeboy_45101
    Oct 23, 11:04 AM
    Oh well, all this says to me is that Vista is going to suck even more than I originally thought. :D


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  • hulugu
    Dec 1, 03:37 PM
    So many Mac users are completely ignorant and oblivious to the fact that their Mac is, contrary to popular belief, not that secure in some respects. Many Mac zealots and apologists will tout how bullet-proof OS X is, how it's nothing like Windows, how it's amazingly secure - well, it isn't in some cases.

    Yep, Artie MacStrawman (, I hate that guy.

    Apple's response is, I think, much more important than the MOKB finding a handful of vulnerabilities in OSX, if they address the problem quickly and respond accordingly with a good Security Update, than I think we can still be relatively assured that OSX is safe. We'll also have to see how quickly various black-hats respond to Vista.

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  • 2 Replies
    Apr 14, 03:01 PM
    Being a non-jetsetting 3gs user, this isn't really worth it for me. Maybe I'll get it sometime, but no rush here. :-p

    But seeing that it "Contains the latest security updates"...
    It would really be nice if small patches and updates like that were distributed through the iOS app store.
    OTA updates would be a GOOD thing.
    (Especially since Apple store employees are known for insisting iPhone users and iPad users don't necessarily NEED a computer. :-/ )


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  • argopelter
    Jun 8, 04:57 PM
    If I leave $1,000 in cash on the street in front of my house, should I blame the government for not helping me when that money gets taken?

    Well, if you leave it on the street, that's equivalent to discarding it. That's not an analogous situation here. Leaving it on your porch, which is still private property, would be more analogous. Getting your car stolen because you left it in a bad neighborhood would be still more analogous. In the car scenario, where you have a piece of property that's extremely traceable, then of course the police should (and would) help you recover it.

    The "misclick to buy an app" scenario is even easier and simpler, and it's much less irresponsible than any of these other hypotheticals. I'd guess that 90% or more of iPhone users have a credit card linked to their iTunes account. You believe that there is an unlimited ceiling on how much money someone should lose as a result of linking a credit card to their account. If there were an app that cost a million dollars, and someone misclicked and bought it, you apparently believe it's right and good that they spend the rest of their life paying it off. I'm glad that Apple disagrees with you.

    The notion that people shouldn't link their accounts to iTunes or shouldn't authorize large purchases (incidentally, if they followed your $1000 rule, they'd be out of luck if the app cost $900 rather than $1000, yes?) because Apple should just tell them to f off if they misclick like this...why? What's the benefit? How hard is it to give a refund? If it's really important, have them come to an Apple store and show that they didn't install the app.

    Had you or someone else made the case that this was a mistake, just maybe a $20 mistake or even a $50 mistake rather than a $1000 mistake, then I'd say that's reasonable enough. I am not saying that people should take no personal responsibility for these sorts of mistakes. But $1000 is just crazy when these mistakes are as simple as a couple of clicks.



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  • Dunepilot
    Jul 28, 09:24 AM
    [QUOTE=rekahs]surely if you look at it that way the ipod is in the position the 360 is in and the zune is like the wii.


    Except that the wii is being marketed on the basis that it will bring something innovative to the table. If there's one thing Microsoft doesn't understand, its innovation/ease of use/elegance.


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  • Moyank24
    Apr 27, 08:56 PM
    For now, I'll switch. Nies

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  • Chris Blount
    May 3, 07:52 AM
    Still only 500GB hard drive on the low end. Ug! Hasn't apple realized it's 2011 and 1TB should now be the minimum?


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  • aegisdesign
    Aug 16, 07:33 AM
    So instead, the new sidebar pushes into the image, reducing it in size, and requiring you to expand the width ( :eek: ) of the window if you want to keep the image the same size. I don't really see the overall difference. I suppose it comes down to whether you prefer the images to get slightly smaller, or the tray to suddenly cover over other things.

    Not just me then. Typed whilst I was mid rant too. :)

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  • Corbin052198
    Nov 10, 02:34 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    Awsome! Just wait until the iPad version comes out. I'm sure their servers will shut down for a couple weeks after the launch, though.

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  • JoeG4
    Jul 21, 03:35 PM
    I don't think it will have virtualization, especially with the way they are supporting Parallels solution itself. I think a dual-boot or a fast OS switching type of solution is much more likely. Somebody around here was suggesting "sleeping" one OS and starting another. That's almost good enough. Afterall Apple does not want you to use Windows, it only wants you to believe you could run Windows if you had to, in order to ease switcher anxiety.

    I've been planning a project like this (I finally got it on sourceforge, in fact) - The idea is to make the virtualization system able to hibernate any given OS (or freeze state it) in such a way that it can be restored as the host OS (and vice versa), so that you can give any of your OSes running (virtual or host), the host priorities while all the others become virtual.

    OTOH, that could be laggy, and may be subject to limitations within EFI, only time will tell. <- shameless self promotion XD

    Jul 25, 01:17 PM

    I do think hayesk is on the right track. While the idea of a touchless experience is neat, try it right now. pick up your iPod and make movements over the surface as if it would be touchless. If you don't have an iPod, pick up something else approximately that size. Assume that the "field" where it senses your fingers is going to be less than a centimeter above the surface.

    What happened?

    If you were like me, you still occasionally brushed or accidentally touched the surface anyway, especially making circular scrollwheel movements. You didn't? I applaud your superior fine motor skills. Now try that same excersise while driving. Or jogging. Bet it was harder.

    Heck, even just holding the thing in your hand or pulling it out of your pocket will get fingerprints on it and be touched. Touching the surface will be unavoidable. But what Apple can do with this technology is give it a thicker, more substantial, more scratch-resistant, possibly more smudge resistant surface on which the user can touch and interact with the UI.

    Well, while I'll admit that some touching is unavoidable, I could easily hover my finger over the controls on my iPod or on the track pad on my PB. I only glanced off the surface once in a mock navigation of the iPod to get to a playlist and start playing. How much better is that than having tones of sweep marks and finger prints from scrolling and tapping?

    Mar 15, 10:38 AM
    Mission Viejo has none left. They had around 25 total but only Verizon and some wifi.

    Dec 1, 07:35 PM
    On a feTw occaszzzions I have noticed that MY CAT HAS A TENDENCY to hacsssk my laptop when I12212111113e'm trying to fill out threadwww replies on 432222222222222222 macrum2ors3. I'm thinking apple might still be AT FAULTQ ON THIS QONE.
    LOL! Bad kitty! :)

    Welp, there is a trojan script you can run that'll wipe out your entire home directory, if you're not careful.

    luv ya bunches! xoxoxo

    Oct 20, 07:33 PM
    Now I am itching to buy a MP :ptoo bad they dont have a midrange tower with an i5 or i7

    Don't panic
    Apr 26, 06:32 PM
    The stories are best read when hi/drunk/tripping.
    can i have a cup of tea?


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